History & General Info
Signs, Symptoms, & Screenings
Part 1
Part 2

The states with the highest incidence of people with MH. (Name 1)

What is Nebraska, Wisconsin, West Virginia & Michigan?


The number 1 screening question asked of patients prior to surgery.

What is "Any self or family history of an anesthesia complications and/or reactions?"


The #1 drug used to treat an MH reaction/crisis.

What is Ryanodex (dantrolene)?


You call this Hotline during an MH crisis.

What is MHAUS at 800-644-9737?


This percentage of patients with MH reactions have undergone general anesthesia in the past without a reaction.

What is 75%?


The gold standard test performed to confirm a diagnosis of MH.

What is a muscle biopsy?


The location of our departments MH cart.

What is the satellite pharmacy?


All the locations on our campus that have Ryanodex vials.

What are Endoscopy, OB, Radiology, the OR Pharmacy and Main Pharmacy?


MH reactions can occur minutes after exposure to general anesthesia. They can potentially occur for this period of time AFTER exposure to triggering agents.

What is up to 24-72 hours after?


A symptom that is seen late in an MH crisis.

What is an increase in temperature (hyperthermia)?


Three tasks, NOT related to the anesthesia machine, that are commonly completed when an MH crisis is initially noted.

What are protecting the sterile field, obtaining the MH cart, calling the MH Hotline, calling charge, changing IV fluids, starting large bore IV's, obtaining ice & placing a temperature probe foley?


This has the steps that need taken when a crisis occurs.

What is the poster on the side of the MH cart?


The triggering agents for MH. (Name 2)

What are Desflurane, Isoflurane, Sevoflurane, Enflurane, Halothane, Succinylcholine?


The three earliest signs of an MH crisis. 

What are tachycardia; increased end-tidal CO2 & muscle rigidity?


Common places ice packs are placed to decrease a patient's temperature during a crisis

What are groin, axillae and around the patient's head?


Special tasks that are completed prior to doing surgery on a patient with a risk for MH.

What are flushing the anesthesia machine, changing the soda-sorb cannister, applying orange MH Filters & removing triggering agents from the machine?


The last time and place UPH-DM had an MH crisis.

What is 15 plus years at IMMC?

Two young pts had reactions at outside facilities and were transferred here for further treatment.


MH is an autosomal dominant condition, therefore, if one parent is susceptible, there is this chance of passing it on.

What is 50%?


When getting the MH cart don't forget to do this.

What is unplug the fridge?


Locations where ice can be obtained in or around our department during an MH crisis. (Name 2)

What are the staff lounge, perfusion room connected to OR 1, PACU & Blood Bank?