It's all about the Symptoms
Labs and Lab Results
Treatment for MH
The MH Cart
The MH Drug

It's one of the initial symptoms to manifest in MH

What is: Increasing end-title carbon dioxide (C02)


This lab order determines Acidity or Alkalinity

What is an ABG or PH


Sodium Bicarbonate is administered to correct Acidosis or Alkalosis?

Sodium Bicarbonate is used to treat Acidosis.


This is part of the MH Cart: Hint it cools the solution

What is a refrigerator


Name the drug used in the treatment of MH

What is Dantrolene


Which one of these symptoms will you see?  Generalized Muscle Flaccidity  or  Muscle Rigidity 

What is Rigidity


This grouping of test includes Na, K+, Cl, Ca, and Glucose

What is electrolytes 


This drug is used to treat hyperkalemia

What is  Calcium Chloride, Calcium Gluconate, Sodium Bicarbonate, or dextrose


This is the location of the MH cart at the main OR

 What GI Lab inside the Anesthesia Work Room

What is the just inside the B side of PACU


Dantrolene (Datrium) requires ____(this many mls)of sterile preservative free bacteriostatic water for reconstitution  

What is 60 mls of preservative free bacteriostatic sterile water for each vial. 


Which one: In MH, the patient's heart rate is noted to be bradycardic or tachycardic

What is tachycardic


Venous blood from this site may be better than an arterial blood gas from the radial site

What is femoral


What protocols should be followed to treat Dysrhythmia's (Hint: You can find these protocols on the Crash Cart)

What is ACLS Algorhythms


This is available as a resource on the MH Cart

What is the MH Protocol


Dantrolene (Datrium) contains 20 mg per vial. The initial bolus dose is 2.5 mg/kg IV rapid continuous push. How many vials of Dantrolene is needed for an initial bolus for a patient who is 72 kg?

What is 9 vials


Myoglobinuria is another sign. What color is MH patient's urine when myoglobinuria is present?

What is Brown


You can expect this during the acute phase of MH Hyperkalemia or Hypokalemia 

What is Hyperkalemia


This action is started when core temperature is greater than 39 degrees C

What is cool the patient down


This organizations toll free number is available on the MH Cart to help answer questions and help guide treatment during an MH Crisis

Who is MHAUS (Malignant Hyperthermia of the United States)


When reconstituting Dantrolene, this action must be performed until the solution is clear

What is shake the vial until solution is clear


A prolong spasm in this muscle is observed after administration of the drug succinylcholine  

What is the masseter muscle


Creatine Kinase levels is measured 8 to 12 hours in the post MH Crisis. What will an elevated CK level indicate?

What is skeletal muscle injury


You can expect this action by anesthesiologist when MH is suspected

What is discontinue inhalation agent and succinylcholine  


Who is responsible for bringing the MH cart to the patient's bedside

Who is anyone (all staff) can go retrieve and bring the MH cart


Dantolene is administered 1 mg/kg increments until this happens

What is the symptoms abate (i.e., hypercarbia and/or rigidity resolves.