The Four Management Processes
Chapter 1-3 Concepts
Chapter 4-6 Concepts
Chapter 7-9 Concepts
Chapter 10-13 Concepts
Chapter 14-16 Concepts

Who is the G.O.A.T. Management Professor?

Who is Professor Greiman?


Of the three types of organizations, For-Profit, Non-Profit, and Mutual Benefit, what type of organization is a company such as Red Cross?

What is a non-profit organization? 


What are the three types of managers? And which one is the best?

What are polycentric, ethnocentric, and geocentric? Geocentric is the best.


If a company, truly emphasizes getting newly hired employees to fit in, and understand the company's goals, then they are attempting to what?

what is onboarding?


If a company is already prepared and has anticipated coming issues, then they participate in what type of change?

What is proactive?


Is face-to-face communication high or low in media richness?

What is high?


What are the four management processes?

What is P.O.L.C- or Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling?


If an employee is able to diffuse situations, is very personable, and can speak well, then specializes in what type of skill?

What are human skills?


What are some of the barriers of international trade?

What are embargoes, tariffs, and import quotas?


With A.I. now gaining popularity in the workplace it is obvious that there are benefits, but what are some of the drawbacks according to the book?

What are cost, data issues, and A.I. implementation?


What is the key difference between a group and a team within an organization?

What is a common goal or commitment among individuals. 


What describes a transformational leader?

What is someone who transforms employees to pursue organizational goals instead of their own personal goals. 


If an individual monitors performance, compares it to the companies goals, and takes corrective action, then they fulfill the process of?

What is controlling?


Internal stakeholders are comprised of what three types of people within an organization?

What are employees, owners, and board of directors?

"What do we want to become" is an example of an A.Mission statement?

B. Vision Statement? or C. The values statement.

What is a vision statement?


What are the three levels of organizational structure?

What are observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions?


Name the four core self-evaluations?

What is self-esteem, self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability?


If my behavior toward Stevie Doug, is swayed because I am personally attracted to him then, what power is influencing my behavior?

What is referent power?


If an individual sets goals and decides how to achieve them, then that person fulfills the process of 

What is planning?

If an individual does everything for the greater good of the company, then what approach is he or she utilizing?

What is the utilitarian approach?


While long-term goals are often referred to as strategic goals, short-term goals are often referred to as?

What are tactical or operational goals?


What is it called when a group of employees get together to create a bargaining unit against a company?

What is a union?


Name the three steps to Lewin's Change Model and explain them?

What are ...

Unfreezing- creating the motivation to change.

Changing- learning new ways to do things.

Refreezing- making the new ways normal


What are three types of physical communication barriers?

What are sound, time, and space?


If an individual arranges tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work, then that person fulfills the process of?

What is organizing?


What is Scientific Management and who pioneered it?

What is figuring out a task, by studying each part scientifically, and Fredrick Taylor.


What does S.W.O.T analysis stand for?

What are...

S-strengths, internal environment

W- weaknesses, internal environment

O- opportunities, external environment

T- threats, external environment


What are the Four Steps in Rational Decision Making?

What is...

1. Identify the problem.

2. Think of solutions.

3.Evaluate alternatives and select a solution.

4. Implement and evaluate the solution


According to McClelland Acquired Needs Theory an individual has three needs, what are they?

What is the need for achievement, affiliation, and need for power?


Describe the P.D.C.A Cycle?

What is Plan, do, check, act?


If an individual motivates, directs, and otherwise work hard, in order to achieve a company's goals, then that person fulfills the process of? 

What is leading?


Name Maslow's Hierarchy of needs in order?

What is Physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self actualization?


Name the planning and strategic management process (5 Steps).

What are establish the mission and values, assess the current reality, formulate the strategy, implement the strategy, and maintain strategic control?


If an organization is extremely competitive and values profits over employee satisfaction then they have a _ culture?

What is a market culture?


Name the 5 Stages of Tuckman's model?

What is forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning?


Define outsourcing?

Outsourcing is when an organization allows outsiders to handle situations.