This feature helps track your direct reports progress.
What is the goal tracking feature.
Having a clear understanding of this can help protect the organization.
What is CA employment law (or labor law)
This feature helps prepare both you and your direct report for meeting.
What is the 1:1 feature
Keeping track of these things will keep SCOPE out of any serious trouble.
What is tracking meal and rest breaks.
Going here, can aid in managing your teams overall progress.
What is reports and analytics.
Ouch!! I think I felt something sharp poke me. The institution of this protects workers rights, but may present organizational challenges.
What is the union.
Help I'm stuck and cant login, doing this will ensure your password is reset.
What is sending an email to Alece.
As a _________ I am responsible for ensuring my direct reports meet their goals.
What is a Manager.
Is it just me or is it raining goals up in here. This sub-feature ensures goals are well thought out and complete.
What is the ability to list goal objectives, and mark them off for completion.
Look at all you beautiful people, take a bow you've made it this far. Solve this riddle and we can go to lunch.
What is Day and night.