Careers in the Community
Employability Skills
Human Services

I assist people with choosing healthy food items and workout plans to stay in shape. What type of counselor am I?

Dietician or Nutrition Counselor


Are you in the market to purchase a new home, let me help you!!

Real Estate Agent


When you are capable of being easily taught and trained to do something better, along with not taking things personal. 



Giving assistance to those looking for temporary housing. They have been displaced for some unknown reason and they need help to get back on their feet. 

Housing and Shelter Assistance

I have completed my 12 years of school and I am ready for the next step in my schooling adventure. What diploma or degree do I have?

High School Diploma


When people are struggling with drugs and drinking addictions, what type of counselor do they go see?

Alcohol and Substance Counselor


I am who you would visit when you need a, nails, makeup 



When you go above and beyond the call of duty no matter what the task is, you always have a great attitude and you are willing to work as a team. 

Good Work Ethic


Sometimes you fall on hard times and need just a little bit of help with groceries and clothing for you or your family. Who could help you?

Food and clothing assistance


I have taken some college courses but I am not ready to go to a University yet, what degree do I have?

Associates Degree


When I have an issue with my marriage and it is affecting my family, what kind of counselor do I set up an appointment with?

Marriage and Family Counselor


I am who you would call for help, wrecks, fires, medical service, family violence, theft and so on. 

911-police, emt, firetruck


The ability to lead a group in a task or job without fear of being judged, disliked or treated differently. They can always count on you to get the job done.



You know of children who are being abused and need help with getting out of their situation, who could you call for help? 

Child Welfare Services / CPS


I have completed 4 years of college at the University level, what degree do I have?

Bachelors Degree


I am feeling pressured into doing things with my friends at school that I am uncomfortable with. I think they will start being mean to me if I stop hanging out with them. Who can I talk to?

School Counselor


I am the one who educates the children of the world. They will learn all things needed to be successful in life with me. 



You are able to talk to anyone that you either work with or work for. You are not afraid of conversation and you are very personable and likeable. 

Good Social Skills


You have recently lost your job and you need help with filling out applications and searching for new employment. Who could help you?

Workforce Solutions 


I have continued my college hours past a Bachelors Degree, what type of degree am I working towards now? 

Masters Degree


I often feel like I don't want to be here any more. I struggle with my purpose in life and I feel like I am crazy sometimes. What counselor can I talk to for help?

Mental Health Counselor


I can help you eat better, train your body and stay in shape. You can find me at a gym or working from home.

personal trainer


You know how to plan accordingly to be on time. You always show up a little bit early and prepared for the day. They can always count on you to be there and ready to work. 

Time Management 


When you have gotten in some trouble and you are assigned to a person to help you finish out your punishment term. They may come visit you at home or at school to ensure you are staying on the right path. 

Probation Officer


I am trying to achieve the highest level of college possible, what degree am I working towards?

Doctorate Degree