The function of management that relates to organizing and forming a roadmap for the business.
What is planning?
What is failure to support company policy in public?
Choosing a course of action in a timely manner
What is decisiveness?
Decisions are made by the leader with little input from the group or workers.
What is autocratic/authoritarian?
To leave details for others to manage
What is delegation?
The function of management that relates to properly allocating resources and people.
What is organizing?
Caused by disregard for cost, opportunity cost, expense, etc.
What is failure to focus on profit?
Caused by allowing non-essential tasks to accumulate and results in poor productivity
What is failing to focus on priorities?
Accepts input from the group to come to a decision; typically less productive than authoritarian
What is participative/democratic leadership?
What are benefits of delegation?
What is directing/coordinating?
Failure to properly manage employees and assign them meaningful tasks.
What is failure to recognize the need people fulfill by working?
Required to ensure repetitive operations are done in a consistent and correct manner
What is a standard operating procedure?
Provides little guidance to group members; typically only appropriate for highly skilled groups
What is delegative/laissez-faire leadership?
What is being held accountable for the delegated action's quality and status of completion?
What is managerial control?
The function of management that relates to ensuring that subordinates follow the rules and regulations of the company.
What is controlling?
Caused by poor leadership not making the bar clear
What is failure to establish and maintain standards?
Required to ensure that it is clearly delineated who at what level makes what decisions.
What is a clear chain of reporting?
Best applied when the leader is the most skilled, or there is a deadline or time crunch.
What is authoritarian/autocratic leadership?
Identifying the correct tasks to delegate based on criticality, level of complexity, employee skill, etc.
What is the process of choosing areas to delegate?
The final and ultimate goal of the 4 essential functions of management.
What is ensuring customer happiness and recurring business?
Caused by poor theory of mind of coworkers
What is failure to acknowledge and accommodate people's work styles?
Caused by failure to establish and record procedures in writing.
What is tribal knowledge?
The least productive style of leadership if poorly implemented.
What is laissez-faire leadership?
Only delegating tasks to people who are [NUMBER] percent ready for said tasks.
What is the 80:20 rule?