How many times does Prosci recommend repeating key messages?
5 to 7 times
True of false: A leader is always a manager and a manager is always a leader.
FALSE - not necessarily
True or false: Change is internal and transition is external.
FALSE: Change is external and transition is internal
What does WIIFM stand for?
What's in it for me
What is the highest mountain range in the world?
The Prosci Change Triangle (PCT) Model requires a balance of what three components for change to be successful?
Leadership/Sponsorship, Project Management, and Change Management
Kotter say what two elements are essential for change to be successful?
Heart and Mind (Head)
In the SCARF model, what element explains our sense of control over events?
Name at least 2 elements of effective communication:
Know your audience
Two way dialogue
Multiple channels
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
The ADKAR elements need to be performed sequentially. What is the point called where there is a score of 3 or less?
Barrier point
Which of the following is not part of Kotter's 8 Step Change Model:
a) Make it stick
b) Get the vision right
c) Create long-term wins
c) Create short-term wins
What does SCARF stand for?
Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relateness, and Fairness
True of false: For change management to be effective, it is best to have fewer people involved.
False: Kotter's enhanced 8 Step Model encourages enlisting a volunteer army (diverse many rather than a select few)
What country produces the most coffee in the world?
The most challenging ADKAR element to achieve is what?
Desire - personal decision to participate in the change
In Step 7 of Kotter's 8 Step Change Model, he warns to not declare what too early?
In the 1960s, who developed a change curve to explain the grieving process?
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a Swiss pyschiatrist
In Prosci's research, how many times more likely are you to achieve project objectives with proper change management?
6 times
What country has the most daily newspapers in the world?
India (over 100,000 registered newspapers)
What is the number one obstacle to successful change?
Active and visible sponsorship
In the book, Our Icebergy is Melting, what does Louis do early?
Appoints a small team and takes time to have a lunch to get to know each other
In the William Bridges model, change has three stages. Name one of the stages.
Ending, Neutral Zone, and Beginning Again
Anger at others and at self is shown on what change curve?
John Fisher's Personal Transition Curve
What country on average takes the most time to eat their meals?