What are the paddle-shaped limbs of manatees called?
What are flippers?
What is the current conservation status of manatees?
What is threatened?
What type of diet do manatees have?
What is herbivorous (plant-eating)?
In which type of waters do manatees typically live?
What are warm, shallow coastal waters?
How many living species of manatees are there?
What are three?
How many nails can a manatee's flippers have?
What are 3-4 nails?
Name one main threat to manatees.
What are boat collisions?
How much of their body weight do manatees eat daily?
What is 4-9%?
Name one geographic region where manatees can be found.
What is the Southeastern United States?
Florida, Bahamas, Caribbean
What is the closest living relative of the manatee?
What is the Dugong?
What is the primary function of a manatee's flat tail?
What is for swimming?
What law protect manatees?
Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1973
Name one of the main foods that manatees consume.
What are seagrasses?
What is a common feature of manatee habitats?
What are rivers, estuaries, and coastal areas?
Which manatee species is found in the farthest from Florida?
What is the West African Manatee?
What type of sensory hairs do manatees have?
What are vibrissae?
How does water pollution affect manatees?
What is a threat to their habitat? Accidental ingestion of trash
How long can manatees spend eating each day?
What is 6-8 hours?
Why do manatees need warm-water refuges?
What is lacking blubber for insulation?
What is a distant cousin of the manatee?
What is an elephant?
What helps manatees stay submerged in water?
What are dense bones?
What is the water temperature manatees need to survive?
What is above 68°F?
What do manatees use their flippers for while feeding?
What is to grab plants or anchor themselves?
What is a popular location in Florida to find manatees?
What is Crystal River Florida?
What is the name of the extinct relative of the manatee?
What is Steller's sea cow?