Name cow/ox/bull in Zodiac
What is niu?
What is colors called in Chinese?
yan se
Write the Chinese Character for 1
What is 一 ?
What is the season Winter?
What is dong tian?
What is dad?
Ba Ba
Write the Character for yang
What is 羊?
State the English for zi se
What is Purple?
Write the Chinese Character for 3
What is 三 ?
What is Spring called in Chinese?
What is Chūn tiān?
What is Mom in Chinese?
Ma Ma
State the 12th Zodiac animal
What is zhu?
State red in Chinese
What is hong se
Identify this Character
What is 六 ?
Identify this character
Identify this Character:
What is Mom?
Name the 9th Zodiac animal
What is hou?
Write the character for Yellow in Chinese.
What is 黄色 ?
what is the Chinese character for jiu
What is 九?
What is Autumn in Chinese?
What is Qiū tiān ?
What is Little Sister in Chinese?
What is mei mei?
Name all of Zodiac animals in Chinese
What is shu,niu,hu,tu,long,she,ma,yang,hou,ji,gou,zhu?
Write the character for black in Chinese
What is 黑?
State numbers 1-10
What is yi,er,san,si,wu,liu,qi,ba,jiu,shi
Identify the character 冬天?
What is Winter?
Identify this Character:
What is Dad?