Food, clothing, shelter, sleep, and sexual expression.
What are Basic Needs. pg. 21
Using your senses to be aware of what is happening around you.
What is Recognize. pg.27
The 3 broad behavioral approaches used during the Crisis Cycle.
What is: Listen, Engage, Protect. pg. 29
What is often brought about by other emotions, such as frustration or fear?
What is Anger. pg. 51
The expectations for behavior that are often shared with a cultural group.
What are Norms? pg. 55
True or False: People with histories of trauma often have difficulty trusting others.
What is True. pg. 15
The 2nd level of Maslow's Hierarchy.
What is Safety and Security. pg. 21
Determine how to respond to what is happening.
What is Decide. pg.28
What is the last phase of the Crisis Cycle?
What is the Post-Crisis Drain Phase. pg. 45
What are the two characteristics of healthy human relationships that MANDT highlights the most?
What is Dignity and Respect. pg. 11
To improve cultural relationships, one should:
What is finding experiences you have in common, socialize yourself in new cultural environments, and help others understand your culture pg. 55
To build trust, staff should understand that individuals receiving services are likely to ______ staff before they trust them.
What is Test.
Krisi and Erin discuss a problem they have with each other and resolve it in a way that works for both of them is an example of which need?
What are Healthy Relationships. pg. 21
What does the first 'A' in R.A.D.A.R. stand for?
What is Assess.
(Analyze what is happening to people and the environment around you.) pg. 27
The top of the Crisis Cycle: When a person responds to stressors in their lives in ways that pose an immediate threat of harm to self and/or others.
What is the Crisis Phase. pg. 39
True or False: Anger is always an inappropriate emotional response.
What is False. pg. 51
The values, beliefs, and customs that we share with a group of people.
What is Culture. pg. 55
Being aware of how trauma history can shape the behavior of others can help build what with students?
What is Trust.
The 4th level of Maslow's Hierarchy.
What is Achievement. pg. 22
The 5th step in the R.A.D.A.R. process.
What is Review Results. pg. 28
What is the most neglected stage of the Crisis Cycle?
What is the Baseline Phase. pg. 31
True or False: Anger is something that makes it easy for people to express other emotions in positive ways.
What is False. pg. 51
Staff can act as this when they model and teach others how to manage stress. They also provide a safe environment for others.
What is Role Model. pg. 55
Finish MANDT'S catchphrase: The goal is to create service and support structures where everyone can say that "In this place, and with these people,..."
What is "I feel safe." pg. 5, 11, 14
Being able to do things simply for the fun and joy of doing it. Also, the 5th level of the hierarchy.
What is Self-Actualization. pg. 22
Your response. It may be verbal, general physical, or specific physical response to a situation.
What is Act. pg. 28
The goal of the Stabilization Phase of the Crisis Cycle.
What is to help the person remove their own stimulus next time by engaging in the process of active listening. Ask 'who, what, where, when or how" questions. Avoid 'why' questions. pg. 43
True or False: In a healthy relationship, the question changes to 'what went wrong' instead of 'whose fault is it?'
What is True. pg. 5
When staff manage themselves, they affirm their feelings and _________ their behaviors.
What is Choose. pg. 50
What's one thing that happens when people experience healthy relationships, whether staff, family members, individuals served, etc.:
What is: They can see mistakes as mistakes. pg. 5