People who lived in the wilderness to the west of the Rockies.
Who are the Mountain Men?
When did Texas become a state?
What is December of 1845?
The name of the path followed by William Becknell to trade in the New Mexico Territory.
What is the Santa Fe Trail?
He was President during the War with Mexico.
Who is James Polk?
The moon of this "planet" appears to be bursting apart because of a frozen ocean beneath the surface.
What is Pluto?
Name of the path that started in Independence, Missouri and usually ended in Willamette Valley.
What is the Oregon Trail?
During the battle of San Jacinto, Texan forces were said to have shouted a phrase to remind them about the massacres at what two Texas missions?
What are the Alamo and Goliad?
The New Mexico Territory contained all or part of these five current states.
What are New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada?
The first American to get a land grant from the Spanish in Texas, which he inherited from his father.
Who is Stephen F. Austin?
On February 6th, one of these entered Earth's Atmosphere and almost nobody seemed to notice.
What is a Meteor?
The six present day places that made up the Oregon Country.
What are Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Montana, and parts of Canada?
Who were the three great leaders of the Alamo?
Who are Jim Bowie, William B. Travis, and Davey Crockett?
Why would adding California to the Union help the United States?
What is it would give Pacific Ocean access which would lead to better trade routes with Asia and India?
The President of Mexico in 1833 who eventually declared himself a dictator. (Full Name)
Who is General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna?
Ice melting due to global warming is having this record effect on the Earth's Oceans.
What is the oceans are rising at a faster rate than any time in the past 2,800 years.
What was the slogan that the Presidential candidate of 1844 used to help gain support from Americans living in the Oregon Country?
What is “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight”
Mexico allowed Americans to enter Texas under what three conditions?
What are convert to Catholicism, learn Spanish, and obey Mexican Law?
What was the three part plan for American victory in the War with Mexico?
What is secure the Texas boarder, capture New Mexico and California, and take the Mexican capital of Mexico City?
Secretary of State who negotiated a treaty that gave up American right to Texas, but also made the Spanish give up the right to the Oregon Country.
Who is John Quincy Adams?
Scientists have uncovered the oldest article of this type of clothing popular among the ladies.
What is a 5,000 year old dress?
How was the Oregon Country issue finally resolved?
What is the United States and Britain decided in 1846 to split the land in half along the 49th parallel? This remains the US-Canada border to this day.
Why did it take nearly 10 years for Texas to become a state after it won independence from Mexico?
President Jackson and Van Burren were afraid to upset the balance between the free states and the slave states. If Texas became a state it would tip the power to the slave states.
What did Americans claim was the boarder between Mexico and the United States? What did the Mexicans think it was?
What is the Rio Grande and the Nueces River?
2 People: This person was tasked with securing the Texas boarder. The other was to take the Mexican capital.
Who are Zachary Taylor and General Winfield Scott?
Recently a German teenager illegally scaled this Ancient Egyptian monument using no equipment.