Table Manners I
Social Graces
Table Manners II
When you complete your meal where do you place your utensils?
The ten o clock position knife and fork parallel?
If you receive a phone call from someone whose number you did not have, but it was captured on caller ID (no message was left) is it inappropriate to call the person back?
Yes it is only appropriate to call back when a message requesting a call back is left.
How should I criticize a teammates performance?
Avoid making harsh, critical comments.
When you have food in your mouth that you do not want to swallow what should you do?
Move the food forward with your tongue then on to the fork then place it on the side of your plate.
What is the proper time to arrive for an appointment.
Always arrive on time, never late. No more than 5 minutes early.
Is it proper for a woman to apply lipstick after a meal?
Only after excusing herself to a private area.
Are speaker phones rude?
No, simply ask permission before putting a person on the speaker phone.
How should I receive a compliment?
Learn to receive a compliment graciously. When someone says something positive about you, don't deny or refute it. Instead thank them for the compliment.
When is it appropriate to use a toothpick?
Only use a toothpick when you have excused yourself from the table and are out of eye sight from others. No one wants to watch you pick your teeth! Obviously....NO FLOSSING either!
Is it impolite to ask an executive of a company for payment of outstanding invoices?
For services rendered it is not impolite to request payment but before you as an executive or principal you should ask the billing department.
What direction should food be passed at the table?
Food should be passed to the right or counter clockwise.
What is the polite way to leave a voice message.
Repeat your name and number twice and speak slowly adn with good pronunciation.
Should children ask permission before playing on a neighbor's yard?
Yes. Children first ask permission before walking or playing on a neighbors yard or property.
Who pays the bill when dinning out?
The person who extended the invitation.
What is the proper way to display flags?
The American Flag is displayed on the speakers right. State or organization flags are displayed on the speakers left.
Should you dismiss yourself to sneeze or blow your nose?
Yes you should excuse yourself from the table. At no time should you use the napkins as a handkerchief.
Who calls back when a phone call is disconnected.
When there is a poor connection or the phone line is lost the person who originated the call is responsible for calling back the other party.
CTR stands for Choose The Right What does CTIY stand for and why is it important?
CTIY stands for Control The Inner Yahoo We need to think before we say and do things. This will insure that we don't offend and that we do contribute in a thoughtful way.
Where do you place the napkin when briefly excusing yourself from the table?
Place the napkin on the chair.
How much perfume/cologne is acceptable to wear at work?
Perfume, cologne and aftershave should be applied sparingly, evoking a subtle scent.
What is the correct way to butter bread or roll.
Break the bread apart with your fingers small enough for one or two bites. Butter a pulled apart piece and then eat it. Do not butter the entire roll or piece of bread at once.
What is the proper etiquette when using CALLER ID?
Avoid greeting the caller by his name until after he says hello and identifies himself.
To which side should a gentleman seat a lady?
A gentleman holds the chair and seats the lady on his right.
When do you start to eat your meal.
If there are fewer than 8 people in the group wait until all are served. If there are more than eight you may start when served.
Can I exchange business cards while dining?
Business cards should never be exchanged while dinning.