Hard Work

Qualities of good teammates 

What is including everyone, listening to each other, following directions and moving towards a common goal together?

This is how to show that you are ready to work hard each class. 

What is sit up in your chair, track the speaker and be actively listening?


True or False: It is respectful to talk with food in your mouth.

What is false


What say when asking for something politely.

What is please and thank you?


This is what you do when you see trash on the ground

What is pick it up even if it's not yours?


How you respond to show team when you overhear a classmate making fun of CREO's sports team losing their last game.

What is tell and adult or reassure the classmates that losing is a part of the game and you miss 100% of the chances you don't take?


What you do with school property and your own personal belongings

What is respect your belongings and take very good care of them (i.e. chromebooks/headphones, books, etc)?


Telling jokes that hurt someone's feelings or make others uncomfortable is not funny. Avoiding these kinds of jokes shows this important value.

What is respect?


A classmate was called on to share the correct answer and another classmate shouted the answer. Identify the error. 

What is calling out without being called on. 


This is an important skill that you should do whenever getting up to ensure a safe classroom environment. 

What is push in your chair?


A classmate shares their favorite character is Sonic and another classmate giggles and laughs under their breath. Identify the error. 

What is teasing/laughing and making fun of others interests. 


A classmate shares their answer of 4 and another classmate says "FOUR???!" Identify the error. 

What is making fun of the student's answer embarrassing them in front of the class. 


A classmate wins top THRIVER and you jump and give them a hug. Identify the error. 

What is giving a hug without permission 


This polite behavior involves waiting for others to finish speaking and shows that you value the ideas of the other person talking. 

What is not interrupting


What to do when you notice a large mess in the bathroom. 

What is tell and adult and be sure to use public restrooms properly and respectfully 


What you should do when a classmate shows you something they took from someone else.

What is tell and adult or tell them to give it back or put it back where they found it


This quality is shown when you continue to study, practice, or complete tasks even when they're difficult, instead of giving up.

What is perserverance?


Spreading untrue or hurtful information about others behind their backs can damage trust and friendships. Avoiding this behavior shows you have this important quality.

What is integrity?


Hallways should maintain this to ensure learning can happen in each classroom.

What is level 0?


Expectations during DEAR at CREO

What is silent, sustained reading, eyes in DEAR Books, focused body posture? 


Posting harmful or embarrassing photos or videos of someone online is an example of this negative behavior, which can hurt others and damage our CREO Team. 

What is cyberbullying?


Middle school athletes can demonstrate their commitment by arriving early to practice, working on skills outside of practice, balancing schoolwork, and maintaining a positive attitude during games and setbacks.

What is showing hard work as a middle school athlete?


Negatively commenting on someone's appearance without being asked, especially if it cannot be changed in the next 10 seconds, shows a lack of this etiquette. 

What is respect, body positivity and inclusivity?


When you disagree with an adult, instead of talking back, using this approach shows maturity and respect.

What is speaking politely or respectfully?


When you use the last of a classroom supply, showing both initiative and responsibility involves taking this action without being asked, ensuring the classroom runs smoothly for everyone.

What is informing the teacher and offering to help replenish the supplies?