What is etiquette?
Polite behavior especially when in public.
Name one way of showing dining etiquette.
Saying "excuse me", saying "please", saying "thank you", having good manners, not being gross, cleaning up after yourself, saying something kind, using a closing statement, etc.
What is the first thing you should do when you meet a new person?
Introduce yourself!
GOOD Manners: Be __________ and respectful.
(Fill in the blank)
What does clear eye contact show others?
That you are listening to what they are saying.
When should you practice proper etiquette?
Every moment of the day!
What is one way of showing good dining etiquette when you are at a restaurant?
no elbows on the table, putting the napkin on your lap, chewing with your mouth closed, etc.
Why should you think before you speak?
You don't want to offend anyone- especially someone whom you just met.
Is looking at your phone when talking to someone demonstrating good manners?
No. It's RUDE!
How can you show respect to others?
Focus on what they are saying, making eye contact, nod your head, use agreement sounds, etc.
What does having proper etiquette show other people about you?
That you are mature and do not want to make people feel uncomfortable.
Why is it important to have good dining etiquette?
So that we do not offend (or gross-out) anyone.
When you tell someone about yourself, what things should you be telling them?
Interesting facts about yourself, or hobbies you have. You can talk about your experience in the WBL program!
Name a manner that you might have learned from your family or at school!
Job Coach will accept answers which are appropriate.
What kind of attitude should you have when meeting others?
A positive attitude
What is the goal of the etiquette?
To show consideration, respect, and honesty in our daily lives. To develop relationships.
What does it mean to be mindful while you are eating?
To pay attention to your actions and be sure you are using polite manners.
True or False: Even what you don't say... COUNTS
True. Body language is VERY important when communicating with others.
Name two things you should do when you are introducing yourself to someone who you do not know.
1. Shake their hand
2. Make Eye contact
3. Give your name
4. Say, "it is nice to meet you, ____ (repeat their name).
Why is having good personal space important when having a conversation with another person?
People will feel uncomfortable if you are standing too close to them when you are having a conversation.
Your friend arrives 5 minutes late to a job interview, is she demonstrating proper etiquette? Explain.
No she is not demonstrating proper etiquette because she should arrive at least 10-15 minutes early for a job interview.
Explain a time when you or a friend demonstrated proper dining etiquette.
answers can vary- talk about putting napkin on lap, not putting too much on your plate, etc.
Joey is going to a breakfast with a potential employer tomorrow. Name one appropriate conversation topic that Joey could have.
His interests, the job requirements, previous work experience, etc.
Describe proper body language when you are going to a job interview. (How should you look)
standing up straight, smile, eye contact, good hand shake, face the person interviewing you, nod your head, hands in lap, calm hand gestures
Why is it important to remember something someone has told you before?
It shows that you listened, and care about what they have to say.