Route 66
National Parks
State Flags
Where is this Street Signs

This is starting and end point of Route 66. 

What is Chicago to Las Angeles? 

 “the shortest, best, and most scenic route from Chicago through St. Louis to Los Angeles.”


This is the oldest National Park in the U.S..

What is Yosemite National Park? 


(hint: The first State)

What is Delaware?


These two Speeches are engraved at the Lincoln Memorial.

What are The Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural Address?


What is Hawaii? 


This Post Great Depression "deal" by the President helped the Road finally get finished. 

What is the New Deal? 

The New deal allowed for unemployed men of the depression receive work. the road was fully paved by 1938. 


This National Park is considered one of the 7 wonders of the word. 

What is The Grand Canyon National Park? 


(Hint: Coffee is Grown Here) 

What is Hawaii? 


Before the Eiffel tower was built in 1889, this US Landmark was the tallest structure in the world. 

What is the Washington Monument? 

IT’S 555 FT 5 1/8″ TALL


(Hint: Poppies probably grow on these cliffs)

What is California?


These are the 8 States Route 66 runs though. 

A. Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California. 

B. Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California.

C. Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California.

What is (A.) Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California?


Three of the 10 highest waterfalls in the world are located in Here.  

What is Yosemite National Park?

Ribbon Falls in Yosemite is nine times taller than Niagara Falls.


(Hint: Vicksburg National Military Park is here. They also have a Giant shrimp on display here) 

What is Mississippi?


This Famous Fort is actually a church named after the Spanish word for cottonwood trees, that were growing around it. 

That is the Alamo? 


(Hint: They have the largest Dutch settlement here and the state name means "Beautiful") 

What is Iowa? Iowa has 1.5 million deer related car accidents each year. 


This Act under President Eisenhower put an end to Route 66. 


What is The Interstate Act? 


_______ Park is the most visited national park with more than 9 million guests per year, followed by Grand Canyon National Park, which gets more than 4 million visits per year.

What is Great Smoky Mountains National Park?


(Hint JFK and Jackie got married in this state) 

What is Rhode Island?


in 1777, this now landmark was taken from its location under armed guard to Allentown, Pa, to be hidden under a church so that the British would not melt it down to make weapons. 

What is the Liberty Bell? 

Originally named the "State House Bell" 


(Hint: This state claims the invented the hamburger and they are also home to the Eisenhower tunnel-The longest Tunnel in the world.)

What is Colorado? 


This is the Song that can be heard when driving over strategically placed rumble strips along Route 66. 

What is "America the Beautiful"?

This was done to ensure drivers where going the correct 45 mph speed. When driving along the high way at the correct speed, as you drove over the rumble strips the vibrations would make out the tune to "America the Beautiful".


This is how many National Parks there are in the U.S..

A. 63

B. 243

C. 423

What is 423 National Parks. 

the only state to not have one is Delaware. 


(Hint: The Declaration of Independence was signed here) 

What is Pennsylvania? 


Was built for Real Estate, to market a large new neighborhood. 

What is the Hollywood Sign?

The sign wasn’t created to advertise movies and starlets; it was created to advertise real estate. Developers S. H. Woodruff and Tracy E. Shoults began developing a new neighborhood called “Hollywoodland.” The sign was meant to act as a huge billboard to draw new home buyers to the hillside.


(Hint: 17 out of the 20 "Highest Moutian Peaks in America" are located here)

What is Alaska?