How many students attend Manor Middle School?
A parent wants doctor forms completed.
The school counselors
What % of teenagers are diagnosed with a mental health disorder?
20% or 1 out of 5 teenagers.
What is the number of new teachers this year?
As a mandated reporter, who is someone who can assist you with a child line report.
Your school counselors.
What is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10 - 34?
How many students are experiencing homelessness under the McKinney Vento Act?
Who can make a SAP referral?
Parent, community member, teacher, or student.
Name 2 coping techniques you could use in your classroom.
Grounding Techniques, Deep Breathing, Coloring, Listening to Music, Brain Break, Stretching, etc.
A student reported to you they are having suicidal thoughts.
Immediately speak with the school counselors - no email.
What population of our school community is almost 3 times more likely to experience a mental health condition?
How many different languages are spoken by students at Manor MS?
Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Burmese, English, Korean, Nepali, Oromo, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish
What is the job title for Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Napiltonia?
School Counselor
1990, ASCA officially requested that the profession adopt the term “school counselor” as the term “guidance counselor” no longer accurately reflected the role.
Guidance Counselors focused on vocational guidance. School Counselors focus on academic, career, and social/emotional development. Guidance Counselors worked in isolation within schools. School Counselors work with teachers, parents, administrators, outside counseling agencies, and other stakeholders.
What is the new statewide suicide hotline number?