
Word for Word English Translation of Dalālah

“ A thing being such the knowledge of it necessitates knowledge of something else”


Are the following Mufrad or Murakkab?

1. عبد الملك

2. Darrusalam 

3. Zayd 

1. Mufrad 

2. Mufrad

3. Mufrad


Meaning denoted through words are of two types 

1. Kulli 

2. Juz’i 


The maḥṣūrāt al-arbaʿah are? 

A”, “E”, “I”, and “O”


What is Logic?

Mantiq is a science that enables accurate, clear, and effective thinking 


Word for Word Arabic Translation of Dalālah 

‏كون الشيء بحيث يلزم من العلم به العلم بشيء آخر


Define in Arabic    ‏مفرد       ‏مركب

- ما لا يراد بالجزء منه دلالة على جزء المعنى 

- ما يراد بالجزء منه دلالة على جزء المعنى


What are the Al-Kulliyyāt Al-Khams

Dhati, Aradi, Jins, Naw’, Fasl 


Give an example of Qadaya Shakhsiyyah and Qadaya Muhmalah

1. Zayd is a human 

2. Humans are good 


What are the Four Nisab Bayn Al-Kulliyyan

Tasawi, Tabayun, Umum Mutlaq, Umum Wajhi 


How many types of dalālah are there? Which one do we focus on and why?

There are six types of dalālah 

We focus on dalālah lafẓiyyah waḍʿiyyah, as it is the most effective way of communicating concepts from one’s mind to another person


A word referring to only one coined meaning is of __ types, 

And they are 




3 types 

Alam: specific term that refers to a particular person placing or idea example Zaid 

Mutawati: a word that possesses a single meaning and applies uniformly and equally to all its instances example human

Mushakkik: a word that signifies its meaning differently, depending on what it is describing example existence


Four rules of defining

1. The definition must be inclusive and exclusive of all the members of the definiendum

2. The definition must be more evident than the definiendum 

3. The definitions comprehension must be different than the definiendum

4. The definition cannot be contingent upon the definiendum it can’t be circular reasoning


When is the Predicate of a categorical proposition undistributed 

Mujibah - when it is an affirmative sentence


What is the Difference between Tasawar, Tasdiq and Qiyas

Tasawar: concept/term/word 

Tasdiq: judgment/proposition/sentence




What is the difference between muṭābaqah, taḍammun, and iltizām? Give an example for each in English and Arabic.

Muṭābaqah is when the word used to express the concept indicates to the concept or thing in its entirety

 Taḍammun is when the word used to express the thing indicates to a part of its entity

Iltizām is when something logically bound to the concept is indicated to by the word, Iltizām has no logical limit 

Ex. Muṭābaqah:  إنسان  ←  حيوان ناطق   /  I left the house

Ex. Taḍammun:  إنسان  ←  النطق   /  I locked the house (door)

Ex. Iltizām:  إنسان  ←  قوة الضحك  /  I ate Oberweis (not the building/company; you ate their ice cream or other products)


Different types of words coined with multiple meanings 

1. Mushtarak

2. Manqul urfi

3. Manqul shar’i

4. Manqul Istilahi


Arabic and English definitions of Jins, Naw’ and Fasl 

‏الجنس هو كلي يحمل على كثيرين مختلفين بالحقائق في جواب ما هو

‏النوع هو كلي يحمل على كثيرين متفقين بل بالحقائق في جواب ما هو

‏الفصل هو كلي يحمل على شيء في جوابي أي شيء هو في ذاته


What are the Naqids?

The naqīḍ of  “A” is “O” ; e.g.  كل إنسان حيوان  ←  بعض الإنسان ليس بحيوان

The naqīḍ of  “E” is “I” ; e.g.  لا شيء من الإنسان بحجر  ←  بعض الإنسان حجر

The naqīḍ of  “I” is “E” ; e.g.  بعض الحيوان إنسان  ←  لا شيء من الحيوان بإنسان

The naqīḍ of  “O” is “A” ; e.g.  بعض الحيوان ليس بإنسان  ←  كل حيوان إنسان


What are the four stages of the history of logic 

Stage one: transmission and translation

Stage two: Aristotles logic

Stage three: Moving away from Aristotels 

Stage four : glosses and super commentaries


Is dalalah in logic inherently intuitive, universal, or cross-cultural?

None of the above. Instead, every word has its own specific signification, and even the signification can vary on context.


Do Concomitant Signification (Ilztizamiyyah) have a logical limit? Yes or No and why so? 

They do not have logical limit, they are endless and may vary based upon individual, culture and geographical differences 


Example in Arabic for Rasm Tāmm and Rasm Nāqis 

Tāmm: حيوان ذو ضحك

Nāqis: ضحك / ذو ضحك / الماشي النائم


What are the aks

The ʿaks of  “A” is “I” ; e.g.  كل إنسان حيوان  ←  بعض الحيوان إنسان

The ʿaks of  “E” is “E” ; e.g.  لا شيء من الإنسان بحجر  ←  لا شيء من الحجر بإنسان

The ʿaks of  “I” is “I” ; e.g.  بعض الحيوان إنسان  ←  بعض الإنسان حيوان

There is no logically consistent ʿaks of  “O” 


What is the name of the Book written by Moulana Yusuf Sulaiman Saab 

Minhaj Al-Mantiq