It's all in the numbers
Know your rights
Skill Areas

What behaviors warrant a 5- name 3


Relocating without permission




Which professional visitors can you have during your stay? Name 3


Probation Officers

Case Workers




School Staff


Name 3 ways you earn a consequence

Inappropriate language

Being out of area

Not in program

Being disruptive

Not following staff directives

AREA- Explain the rule/skill and the result with non-compliance.

Before leaving an area, ask permission from staff.

Not following the rule will, you will make you and other residents late, and jam program.


The only way to address staff is by...

Sir, ma'am, Mr. or Mrs.


What type of behaviors warrant a 30-5? Name 3

What type of behaviors warrant a 30-30-5?

Not completing the 3 chances of a 5; refusal of a 5, showing continuous disrespect for the expectations of a 5.

Aggressive gestures, threats, conversations or actions, excessive damage to property or tampering with fire safety equipment.


How many books can you have in your room?



Appropriate Behaviors- Pluses- What does this entail? Explain what pluses are, what you do to earn them, and how many points per week you can earn.

Pluses are earned when you meet your contract behavioral goals. When following your contract, you can earn up to 3 pluses a day, and up to 21 a week.


TALK- Explain the rule/skill and give 3 examples of inappropriate talk.

Appropriate conversations- being considerate and encouraging to others to act and talk appropriately.

-Drugs, why you are here, drinking, gangs, complaining about consequences and staff, satanic activities, weapons, fighting, swearing and dirty language.


Name 2 things coupons could be used for

Movie Night


Personal Hygiene items


PHASE 1- How do you move from Phase 1 to Phase 2? What occurs if you do not progress in the first 3 days?

Earning an average of 100 points the first three days you're here.

If you do not progress in the first 3 days, you must earn an average of 95 points for the entire earning period and earn 15 out of 21 pluses.

If you're in Phase 1 and don't earn 85 points a day, you won't earn your free time for the day.


Regular Visitation- When can you visit with family?

Are there levels that earn more visitation time? If so, which ones?

Tuesdays for Delta, and Wednesdays for Charlie, from 6:30-7:30 pm.

Residents on level 3 and 4 may have additional visitation time on Sundays.


Breakdown the acronym CBT and explain the meaning. 

Cognitive Behavior Training

To change behavior by helping you review the beliefs and thinking patterns that occur before you behave in an inappropriate way.


COLLABORATION/PARTICIPATION- Explain the rule/skill and give 2 examples of non-compliance.

Participating in all program activities and working with others. 

Not raising your hand during activities, not doing school assignments, not following directions.


What is the most important part of the behavioral program?

Changing your mindset to help change your behavior and solve your problems so you don't have to return!


PHASE 2- What is required to maintain Phase 2?

How can you move from Phase 2 to Phase 3?

Earn an average of 105 points for the entire earning period.

Earn an average of 110 points for the entire earning period, pass Rational Behavior Training (RBT) test and earn 18 out of 21 pluses.

If you don't earn at least 90 points a day, you won't earn your free time for the day.


Name 3 ways your safety is ensure during your stay.




Mental Health Services

Dental Services

Medical Services


AI- What does this stand for and what behaviors lead to this consequence?

Administrative Intervention- The removal of a resident from a program after they fail to be successful in the established behavior management program. When removed, a resident is not entitled to any benefits associated with the program. A resident cannot earn points, pluses, coupons or earn any other benefits.


IGNORE- Explain the meaning of the action 'ignore' and give an example.

Acting as if you are not aware of another person's behavior. I.E.:

Moving to another area

Looking the other way

Staying silent

Start a new task

Do not encourage the other party in any way


Name 4 behaviors expected during a time out

Go to wall, standing about 6 centimeters from it

Stand up straight, hands to side

Ignore everyone around you except staff

Don't ask if your time is up

Name the inappropriate behavior that brought you to time out.


Phase 3- What must you do to maintain Phase 3?

Earn an average of 115 points for the entire earning period and earn 20 out of 21 pluses.

If you are in Phase 3 and don't earn at least 110 points a day, you won't earn any time off for the day.


PREA- What does this stand, explain the importance and name 2 rights.

Prison Rape Elimination Act- does not allow for sexual contact between residents or staff and residents. 

Using the restroom alone

Request a confidential/private meeting with medical, counselors, or lawyers.

Receive treatment or counseling


Name the 5 areas of your scoring card skills where you will be graded throughout the day.







GESTURES- Explain skill, give 2 examples of appropriate gestures and 2 examples of inappropriate gestures, as well as the result with non-compliance.

Non-verbal communication- facial expressions, body movements and posture.

Appropriate- smiling when someone is successful, nodding to agree, shaking hands.

Inappropriate- shaking your fist in someone's face, laughing when someone gets in trouble or is injured, touching someone aggressively or sexually, throwing gang signs or giving the middle finger.


Time Out is not meant as a punishment. Name 3 positive returns of a time out.

Makes you aware of inappropriate behavior

Gives you another opportunity to show staff you can act appropriately

Allow you the ability to return to program quickly instead of having the main consequence for something minor

Allow you time to identify appropriate alternatives to your behaviors that brought you to time out

Allow time to decide if appropriate behavior might be a better choice