Parts of a Sentence
Fix it up!
Context Clues
Thinking About Stories

Which word has the same number of syllables as: basketball?

-paper               -understand                 -mistake



What is the verb in the sentence:

Dave raced to the playground.



Choose the correct ending punctuation:

Does she need to bring her backpack

.                 !                  ?



I brushed the snow off my shoes. Then, I took off my coat and scarf. Then I made some hot chocolate. I went to sit by the warm fireplace.

What season is it?

a) Fall        b) Winter        c) Spring        d) Summer

b) Winter


Where would you find information about running?

Table of Contents

Fruit                  p.2

Vegetables         p.4   

Exercise             p.7

Sleep                p.9

p. 7


Say: Stripe!

What is the new word if I change the /p/ sound to /k/?



Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence 

went park That to girl the.

That girl went to the park.


Choose the words that need to be capitalized:

my dog spotty is going to the vet on thursday.

my, spotty, thursday


I was so parched, I drank a whole glass of water in one gulp and still wanted more.

What does parched mean?

a) tired

b) silly

c) thirsty

c) thirsty


I heard a noise. I heard it over and over. The noise started happening more quickly. It started to smell good. I'll go get some butter!

What happens next?

a) I go out to play

b) We put on our coat and hat

c) We put the popcorn in a bowl

c) We put the popcorn in a bowl


Which word has the same vowel sound as break:

-keep                 -place                     -bike


Pick the verb to complete the sentence:

The dog _____________ at the kitten this morning.

barking              barked              bark



Which sentence is correct:

1. last night sarah and i went to the movie?

2. Last night Sarah and I went to the movie.

3. Last night sarah and I went to the movie?

2. Last night Sarah and I went to the movie.


The delicious aroma of food cooking made my mouth water. 

What does aroma mean?

a) smell

b) color

c) money

a) smell


Dear Grandma,

Thank you for the book! I love to read about cats and dogs. I brought the book to class today. My teacher read it for the whole class! Thanks again! 

Who is the letter from?

-Grandma               -The child              -The teacher

The child

Pick all the words that have three syllables:

-elephant      -rabbit       -flamingo       -kangaroo

elephant, flamingo, kangaroo


Replace the underlined words with the correct pronoun:
<u>My sister and I</u> love to eat ice cream.

-she                    -they                      -we



Fix the sentence:

the cat played amy and i on saturday

The cat played with Amy and I on Saturday.


The long hike to the very top of the huge mountain was very grueling

What does grueling mean?

a) easy

b) tiring

c) loud

b) tiring


Watching movies is fun! You can watch movies in a theater or at home. Some movies are way too scary to watch! Funny movies are the best!

Which is a fact?

a) You can watch movies in a theater or at home.

b) Some movies are way too scary to watch!

c) Funny movies are the best!

a) You can watch movies in a theater or at home.


Say: Tripping

What would the word be if we turned the /i/ sound to /a/?



Which verb completes the sentence:

We ___________ in an airplane last night.

flyed                 flew                   flying



Which sentence is correct:

1. We ate cookies, pizza, and, chicken.

2. We at cookies pizza, and chicken.

3. We ate cookies, pizza, and chicken.

3. We ate cookies, pizza, and chicken.


Jamie is a novice soccer player. Today is her first day of practice!

What does novice mean?

a) beginner

b) expert

c) bored

a) beginner


Which sentence doesn't belong?

The man couldn't lift the box. He asked a friend to help him. The phone was on the table. Together, they lifted the box.

a) He asked a friend to help him.

b) The phone was on the table.

c) Together, they lifted the box.

b) The phone was on the table.