MAP Vocab
Figurative Language
What the text is mainly about. 

What is central or main idea?


Comparing two objects using the words like or as.

What is a simile? 

Read the following paragraph: 

"Tommy!" Mom called out as she walked in the front door. "Tommy," she continued shouting, "I sure could use some help with these groceries. There was still no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen to put the grocery bags on the counter when she noticed shattered glass from the pictured window all over the floor, and a baseball not far from there. "Dang it, Tommy!" Mom said to herself as she realized Tommy's shoes were gone. 

What inference can you make about what happened to the window? And, what text evidence lets you know this?

Tommy threw/hit a baseball and it broke the window. 

Text Evidence: "shattered glass from the pictured window all over the floor, and a baseball not far from there."


Choose the correct spelling of the word. 

A. Industreous

B. Industrious 

C. Endustrious

D. Endustreous

B. Industrious 


Fictional stories that could have actually occurred in believable settings.

What is realistic fiction? 


A word used to mean closely connected or appropriate to the topic.

What is relevant?


Comparing two objects directly. 

What is a metaphor?

Read the following paragraph: 

Kyle ran into the house, slamming the door behind him. He threw his backpack onto the floor and plopped onto the couch. After six hours of playing Grand Theft Auto VII, he ate some pizza and fell asleep with a slice on his stomach and his feet on his book bag. When Kyle came home from school the next day, he was noticeably distraught. He balled up his report card and placed it inside a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside down in the garbage can and arranged loose pieces of trash over it. As he plopped down on the couch, he let out a sigh and picked up his controller. 

What can you infer about why Kyle is distraught? What text evidence helps you to infer this?

Kyle got bad grades on his report card. 

Text evidence: Throws his report card away and tries to hide it in the garbage. 


Choose the correct spelling of the word. 

A. Supervisor

B. Superviser

C. Supervisore

D. Souperviser 

A. Supervisor 


Read this sentence: 

This massive Red Sea-Dead Sea Water Conveyance Program (also known as the Two Seas Canal Project) is one possible way of keeping the Dead Sea afloat

What element does the choice of the word afloat add to the sentence?

A. a literary reference

B. scientific accuracy

C. political awareness

D. some humorous wordplay



A spoken or written account of connected events; a story.

What is a narrative?


Read the following sentences: 

When we broke camp in the morning it seemed as if the entire land was covered with the animals. They were in such throngs that the sound of their hoofs was like the rumbling of distant thunder. One could compare the scene to nothing more than to an ocean of dark water surrounding us on every side, pitching and tossing as if under the influence of a strong wind.

Which statement best describes what the underlined METAPHOR in the sentence adds to the meaning of the text? 

A. The reader can tell that the companions accepted the fact that there were many animals around them. 

B. The reader can tell that the companions were very concerned about all of the animals near them. 

C. The reader can tell that the companions were very much wondering where all the animals came from. 

D. The reader can tell that the companions were surprised to see so many herds of animals in the distance. 

D. The reader can tell that the companions were surprised to see so many herds of animals in the distance. 


Read the following paragraph: 

Anastasia sat by the fountain in the park, with her head in her palms. She was weeping mournfully and her clothing was disheveled. In between gasps and sobs, Anastasia cried out a name, "Oh...John..." And then her cell phone beeped. Her hand ran into her purse and her heart fluttered. The text message was from John. She opened up the message and read the few bare words. "I need to get my jacket back from you." Anastasia threw her head into her arms and continued sobbing. 

What can you infer about the relationship that John and Anastasia have? What text evidence helps you to infer this?

Anastasia and John are exes. 

Text Evidence: He is asking for his jacket back, and Anastasia is noticeably upset by this and by thinking of him. 


Choose the TWO sentences that are punctuated correctly. 

A. While I was growing up in the Midwest my favorite question to hear from my parents was "Guess where we're going this time?"

B. Although by that point, my parents had the whole vacation planned out; the moment they told me, I started looking up the location to see what activities were available. 

C. When I was eight my family voted on a vacation to New York City where we stayed in downtown Times Square. Then later when I was ten we flew to Florida again, this time we departed on a cruise to Mexico, Jamaica and the Bahamas for a second time. 

D. The average life expectancy is seventy years on this planet, this planet has so many different geological features, different climates and different cultures. 

E. The places I have already visited make my curiosity even greater, and I think that it's important to view the world and ways of life from a different point of view. 

F. Last year when I was sixteen we went on another cruise where we sailed the Western Caribbean to Puerto Rico, the Bahamas yet again and St, Thomas. 

B and E


Read this draft of a student's social studies presentation. 

Sojourner Truth was a woman whose ideas were advanced for the time in which she lived. After escaping slavery, she often spoke at women's rights conventions. At the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in 1851, Sojourner Truth gave a speech that she had not written down or practiced, but it would become famously known as her "Ain't I a Woman?" speech. Her powerful, on-the-spot speech inspired the crowd with ideas of women being intelligent and strong, both physically and mentally. The 19th Constitutional amendment, which gave women the right to vote, did not pass until almost 40 years later. 

Choose the BEST way to revise the underlined phrase so that the presentation maintains a consistent tone. 

A. argumentative 

B. elaborate

C. motivated

D. unplanned

D. unplanned


A type of writing that chooses a side of a topic and provides evidence to support that chosen side. 

What is argument writing?

Read the following sentences: 

Anna and Gerard reached the seaside and Anna cautiously walked into the shallow waves of the ocean to check for the undertow, like a mother duck that checks the water before letting her ducklings swim. After several minutes, she realized that there was, in fact, a strong undertow that morning. 

How does the author's use of the SIMILE underlined above develop Anna's character? 

A. It shows Anna is excessively cautious and overprotective. 

B. It shows Anna thinks she has more control than she does. 

C. It shows Anna plays the role of the parent when taking care of Gerard. 

D. It shows Anna spends more time acting like an adult than a teenager. 

C. It shows Anna plays the role of the parent when taking care of Gerard. 


Read the following Paragraph: 

Miya came out of the bathroom with tears in her eyes. She ran down to the cafeteria and asked the staff if they had any rice. Fortunately for Miya, Ms. Lucille did. Ms. Lucille filled a red cup with white rice grains about half way then handed it to Miya. Miya pulled a damp phone from her back pocket and pushed it into the dry rice grains in the plastic cup. She sincerely thanked Ms. Lucille and then headed back to class. She felt relieved, but was still a little worried. 

Infer why Miya is upset in the beginning of the passage. What text evidence can help you infer this?

Miya dropped her phone in water (toilet or sink)

Text evidence: She came out of the bathroom crying, her phone was damp, and she placed it in the dry rice. This made her feel better- showing it must have been the reason she was upset. 


Choose the two sentences that contain errors in spelling. 

A. Students should consider their school an institution of learning. 

B. The lungs are a major organ involved in the respiration process. 

C. The restaurant earned a satisfactory rating from the restaurant inspector. 

D. The famous actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, is known to deveate from his script. 

E. When the girl slapped him, it slightly disoreented him, and he didn't know where he was standing. 

F. The teacher's rubric contained many provisions to be met for students to earn an A on their research paper. 

D and E


Read through both sources below: 

Source 1: 

In this study on how memories are constructed participants were told a story about a girl whose family trip was cancelled. In the story the girl's friend noticed how upset she was, so he threw a party for her on the day she would have left. After hearing the story half of the participants in the study were asked about how the girl must have felt. The other half, meanwhile, answered questions about her friend and why he threw the party. One week later the study participants were asked to retell the story they heard. Most of the participants forgot some details and invented others. The participants that answered questions about the girl's feelings were more likely to invent details about how sad she felt. However, the participants who were asked about her friend were more likely to make up details about the plans he made for the party.

Source 2:

Most people think they have accurate memories. Years of research have shown that we "rebuild" our memories, and to rebuild them we fill in the gaps with things that seem right. For example, we sometimes change the memories to fit our beliefs. If I feel that I am a caring person, I may remember being more helpful than I really was on a certain day. Other times, if we think a lot about one part of a memory, we exaggerate how much we really know about it. Lastly, we can be tricked into remembering something that did not happen if we once heard someone claim that it did. 

Which TWO sentences from Source #2 support the information from Source #1?

1. Years of research have shown that we "rebuild" our memories, and to rebuild them we fill in the gaps with things that seem right. 

2. Other times, if we think a lot about one part of a memory, we exaggerate how much we really know about it. 


When you choose to re-examine and make changes to the writing. 

What is revise?


Read the following sentences: 

After a tumultuous fight with the ocean, both Anna and Gerard finished the day with a healthy respect for its power. Gerard finally understood, and they never had another fight about the ocean. 

What does the author's use of the METAPHOR in the underlined sentence above reveal about Gerard?

A. Gerard was so traumatized by fighting with the ocean that he never wanted to fight with his sister again. 

B. Gerard showed how he was constantly provoking arguments and fights with others, even the ocean. 

C. It was not until he felt nearly overpowered by the ocean that Gerard realized how powerful it was. 

D. By standing up to it, Gerard showed that he was just as powerful as the ocean.

C. It was not until he felt nearly overpowered by the ocean that Gerard realized how powerful it was. 


Screech! Karen stomped on the gas pedal the moment the light turned green. She looked over her left shoulder and zigged past a semi truck. She zoomed ahead and looked over her right shoulder and zagged past a motorbike. She glanced at the clock on the console and darted into the parking lot. Whipping into the parking space, she grabbed her suitcase, ran through the lot, and up the escalator to the terminal. Her heavy suitcase was bumping and bouncing the whole way. Just as she entered the terminal, she heard an announcement over the loud speaker, "Final boarding call for flight 205 to JFK..." Karen looked at her ticket then looked at the line to get through the security checkpoint which wrapped around several turnstiles and slithered like a lethargic snake. Karen sighed and then slowly walked to the customer service desk. 

Why was Karen in a hurry? 

What evidence leads you to this inference? 

Karen was in a hurry to catch her flight. 

Text evidence: She is speeding to an airport (security check, terminals, flight 205), and when she hears the announcement for a final call to a flight, she goes to customer service to probably change her ticket. 


Choose the TWO sentences that are punctuated correctly. 

A. My football coach, Mr. Mobb, has a son on our team.

B. My goodness what is this new piece of dog furniture? It looks like it was build for royalty. 

C. Our pampered dog who enjoys the finer things in life appears satisfied with his latest meal.

D. The summer solstice, sometimes called midsummer, is the longest day of the year. 

E. With a backpack full of supplies Edmund started on his six-month hike of the Appalachian Trail. 

A and D


Read this paragraph for a student's research paper about pandas in captivity. 

Pandas are endangered species that have fascinated people the world over for centuries. Pandas live in the mountain ranges of China. Although the Chinese government has been able to protect a portion of the panda's habitat, much of the animals' land has been used for farming or has been clear-cut and used for land-development purposes. Currently there are as few as 1,600 pandas living in their natural habitat of China. With the declining population of pandas, biologists and researchers have found it necessary to try raising pandas in captivity. Currently there are approximately 300 pandas living in captivity around the world, mostly in China. Raising pandas in captivity is a challenge. 

Which two sources would MOST LIKELY give the student more info for the paragraph from her report?

A. this site contains a variety of links to webcams showing baby pandas at zoos all over the world. 

B. this site reviews the difficulties of panda reproduction and the delicate nature of raising baby pandas outside their natural habitat. 

C. this site looks at the life cycle of a panda and how the panda has adapted to living in various mountainous regions of China. 

D. Panda Rescue by Ashley Smith - Read this first-hand account of rescuing pandas from the hands of poachers in China.

E. The Pandas of China by Fae Albert - Read this book about zoologist James Daigle and his five years spent living in the mountains with pandas. 

F. Born at the National Zoo by Shelby Duncan - Read this first-hand account, by National Zoo veterinarian Dr. Michael Guess, of raising and caring for pandas at the zoo.

B. and F.

Born at the National Zoo by Shelby Duncan