An informational text provide the reader with the following. (topic, opinion, facts and information)
topic/ facts and information
What is the meaning of the word scarce as determined by the following sentence? During the winter water is scarce and tress will drop their leaves to conserve their water.
not enough
Distinguish between the sentence that is a fact, and the other which is an opinion. Friday is the best day of the week. There are seven days in a week.
There are seven days in a week.-Fact Friday is the best day of the week.-Opinion
Butterfly is known as what kind of word?
compound word
what does the suffix -less mean
What is the author's viewpoint based on the following text? Spring is the best time of year. Flowers start to bloom. Birds start to sing. There is an atmosphere of rejuvination. Smiles start to show. People feel like dancing.
The author likes spring.
Divide the following word into syllables:construction
construction (con-struc-tion)
What is a noun.
A person, place, animal, thing, or idea.
What is the author's purpose of the following passage-is it to inform, persuade, or entertain? The dance recital will take place on Friday, March 28 at the Marcus Center for Performing Arts.
How many phonemes in the word snack?
4 phonemes
What is the cause and effect as determined by the following: The kite was whisked away by a large gust of wind. George started to cry and run after the kite.
Cause-large gust of wind whisked away George's kite. Effect-he started to cry and run after it.