Foundational Skills I
Foundational Skills II
Foundational Skills III
Informational Text
Of the following words, which ones have the same initial consonant sound as nurse? noodle nice notebook knee kite
noodle nice notebook knee
What is correct prefix needed to complete the following sentence: He was ____understood and got in trouble. (inter-, de-, mis-, re-, in-, dis-, tri-, pre-)
Identify the pair of words that are antonyms: great-super likeable-detested gentle-cautious
What is likely to happen next based on the information? The salad was fresh, crisp, and dressed with tomatoes and onions. A waiter approached the table and poured fresh vinegarette dressing over the bed of greens. The patron suddenly received a phone call and left the table for fifteen minutes.
When he returned to the table his lettuce was soggy.
What is the difference between a tall tale and a fable?
A fable is a made up story to teach a lesson about morals or life. A tall tale is told as though it actually happened, but contains exaggerations.
Which of the following words has 4 syllables? tomorrow alphabet American hogwash
What is a homograph? For example: rock/rock fan/fan mine/mine
A homograph is a word that shares the same spelling as another word with a different meaning.
What is the meaning of the word gorged as determined by the following sentence? Identify a synonym to use in place of gorged. She gorged herself with ice cream and then had a stomachache.
stuffed, pigged-out
Distinguish between the sentence that is a fact, and the other which is an opinion. Friday is the best day of the week. There are seven days in a week.
There are seven days in a week.-Fact Friday is the best day of the week.-Opinion
What are the five elements of a story?
Character, setting, plot, conflict, resolution
The following words all have a dipthong. soil out boy What is a dipthong?
Two vowels that make a sound where the position of the mouth changes from one place to another as in /oi/ and /ou/.
What does the prefix anti- mean? Use the following sentence for clues. Jennifer has always been anitisocial, making it difficult for her to participate in group activities.
Against, opposite of.
What is an antonym for the following word: argue
What is the author's viewpoint based on the following text? Spring is the best time of year. Flowers start to bloom. Birds start to sing. There is an atmosphere of rejuvination. Smiles start to show. People feel like dancing.
The author likes spring.
Which of the following statements best captures the main idea? The frog and toad rarely ever argued. One day; however, a fly came between them. Each was hungry and needed a snack. Neither friend could decide who would get it. Sharing was not an option. Both scampered for the fly pouncing on each other and pushing the other aside. The fly looked at both of them and flew away. Friendship is important Sharing is what friends should do Arguing never accomplishes anything
Arguing never accomplishes anything.
Divide the following word into syllables: affable
What is the meaning of the noun pamphlet as determined by its use in the following sentence? Gigi looked at the pamphlet to determine what courses would be offered during the summer school sessions.
A small booklet containing information.
What is the synonym for the following verb: permit (pour, allow, refuse)
What is the author's purpose of the following passage-is it to inform, persuade, or entertain? The dance recital will take place on Friday, March 28 at the Marcus Center for Performing Arts.
A summary of events taking place in a story is called ______?
Divide the following two words into syllables: irresistable incredible
ir/re/sis/ta/ble in/cre/di/ble
What is the meaning of the underlined word as determined by its use in the following sentence? The new student felt comfortable in the classroom as he was very affable and all of the students liked him.
Friendly, easy to talk to.
What is another word for funny? hilarious, jovial, gregarious
What is the cause and effect as determined by the following: The kite was whisked away by a large gust of wind. George started to cry and run after the kite.
Cause-large gust of wind whisked away George's kite. Effect-he started to cry and run after it.
What is used to describe the character? Her hair was as golden as the sun. As she walked she resonated a mysterious glow that captivated everyone's attention. The long white gown was illuminated by her smile.