Counselor's Office
Brain Break

Where can you locate your School Counselor?

The Student Services Center


My school counselor will meet with me at least once this year.

True. We want to get to know you and we are here to help!

What is one way you choose to stay physically and emotionally healthy?



If I get called down to see my School Counselor, I must be in trouble.



Who are the two 6th grade counselors and what are their springs?

Ms. Schnorr - Red and Excelsior Springs

Mr. Wetzel - Columbian and Hathorn Springs


You have something on your mind but are afraid to share it with anyone, yet you feel like you need to tell someone. Your school counselor is probably a really good choice to go visit!



What is Saratoga's school mascot?

Go Bluestreaks!


School Counselors are only good for making my schedule.

False. Although we do assist in the scheduling process, we are here to meet your social/ emotional needs and assist with your academics and college and career pathway. 


How can you let your counselor know you are interested in joining a lunch group?

Answer "yes" on the survey being sent to your email in a few days.


If you feel that someone is teasing and/or bothering you on a consistent basis, and will not stop after being asked, you should just ignore them and hope that they stop.

False! See your school counselor or a trusted adult in the building and explain to them what has been going on. 


If you see a sweet Golden Retriever walking around the school, his name is ___________ and he serves as a ____________ dog. 




I MUST make an appointment to see my school counselor.

False! If something is urgent, you can stop in to see if your school counselor is free.


How do you make an appointment with your school counselor?

Option 1: Fill out a ticket in the Student Services Center.

Option 2: Email your school counselor.

Option 3: If there is an emergency during class time, ask your teacher to call and see if your counselor is available. 


Coming to school on time each day will help me be successful. 

True! Good attendance is important to your education. Each day that you miss is a day that you fall behind.


Name two reasons to see your school counselor.

  • I am having a crisis (I am in danger/someone else is in danger)

  • I feel unsafe

  • I am feeling upset

  • Something is going on at home

  • Friendship issues

  • Bullying

  • Academics/Schedule

  • College/Career 

  • I want to share exciting news


Exercise is linked to positive emotional health and one's overall happiness. 



What does a school counselor primarily do?

We are here to help support you socially/emotionally, academically, and with college and career preparation. 


Everything you say to your school counselor is considered private and will not be shared.

False. What you say to your school counselor will remain private unless someone is hurting you, you want to hurt someone, or you want to hurt yourself.


What is Maple Ave's school motto?

Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.


School Counselors do not communicate with teachers and do not call home.

False. We all work together as a team to best support you here at Maple Ave!