Who are the two 6th grade school counselors?
Mr. Wetzel & Ms. Schnorr
What are the 4 Houses/Springs that make up Maple Avenue?
Columbian, Hathorn, Red, Excelsior.
My School Counselor will meet with me at least once this year.
Where is my 6th grade school counselor located?
Student Services
What is Maple Avenue's motto?
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Kind
You have something on your mind but are afraid to share it with anyone, yet you feel like you need to tell someone. Your school counselor is probably a really good choice to go visit!
What are three reasons that I might go see my school counselor?
Sharing good news, discussing something at home, college/career, friendship issue, bullying, feeling unsafe, worried about the safety of someone else, academics/schedule, having a bad day/feeling upset...
If you see a sweet Golden Retriever walking around the school with Mr. Muldner, his name is ___________ and he serves as a ____________ dog.
His name is TEDDY and he serves as a THERAPY dog.
If I am called to Student Services to meet with my school counselor, I am in trouble.
How can I visit with my school counselor?
Stop into Student Services - if they are not available, fill out a ticket. Send an email.
What are two ways I can be successful at Maple Ave?
Get involved, stay after school, ask questions, be myself, expect it to be different (because it is), complete homework, study...
School counselors do not communicate with parents and teachers.
What is the role of a school counselor?
A school counselor offers social, emotional, and academic support, as well as college/career guidance.
What is Maple Avenue's mascot?
Everything you say to your school counselor is considered private and will not be shared.
FALSE. Everything that you say to your school counselor is private UNLESS: someone is hurting you, you want to hurt yourself, you want to hurt someone, or if you give us permission to share with another trusted adult.