What does supervision mean?
Children must be within Sight and Sound at all times
Are you a Mandated Reporter?
Who in this room is CPR certified?
Where can you store/consume alcohol?
Jehovah Witness parking lot
What is Name to Face check?
Conformation of each child's name and identity(face) to insure all children are present and accounted for.
What is a mandated reporter?
A person that is required to report known or suspected abuse or neglect
How often do we have to have drills?
Once a month for fire and during Tornado season
Why do we ask children to hold our two fingers and not hold their hand?
Nursemaid's elbow
What is the procedure for a non-parent pick up?
1. Written permission
2. On emergency card
3. Check ID
List 3 hazardous materials that should be put away/out of reach for children?
1. Any beverages
2. Cords
3. Exposed outlets
4. Bleach bottles
Who can write an incident report and when can parents sign it?
Lead or Assistant Teacher
After the School Leader or Assistant School Leader look it over
What 3 things do you need to request the day off?
1. Check the calendar in the office to make sure the day(s) are available
2. Make sure you have the PTO hours(in ADP)
3. Submit paper request at least 1 week before
What needs to come with you during an emergency?
1. ALL Children
2. Emergency cards
3. Name to Face sheet
4. First aide bag
5. Phone
Name 4 different times children need to wash their hands
1. After using the bathroom
2. When they get to school
3. After coming inside
4. Before eating
5. Before and after handling a pet
6. After blowing your nose
7. Coughing into your hands
What is the job of each person in your classroom during an emergency?
Lead -
Assistant -
Aide -
What are four ways you can take initiative at work?
1. Fill empty supplies
2. Put snacks or supply order away
3. Start breaks if your numbers are low
4. Clean or organize classroom or other school area
5. Alert School Admin if you are overstaffed or message in Slack to see if another room needs help
6. Ask School Admin if anything needs to be done
7. Ask the office if they need help
8. Offer to travel to another school
What is a "final sweep" and why must it be performed?
A "final sweep" involves a thorough search of the playground before going inside to ensure no children are left outside (check the tunnel!). DO NOT close the gate/door until the final sweep has been completed. This should be completed by the last staff member in line.
What are 5 questions that the Licensors can ask you?
1. My name
2. Position/ Title
3. Number of children
4. Emergency phone numbers
5 Youngest and Oldest
Demonstrate the entire process to administer an Epi Pen to Nevaeh Kirk
You Pass!!!
How should cots/children be positioned during nap time?
Feet to face and cots 3ft apart