You might feel this way if someone says something nice to you.
TRUE or FALSE: Emotional intelligence is being smart about emotions
What might you feel in your body when you are feeling sad?
Heavy/aching chest, scratchy throat, headache, pit in your stomach, etc.
What different coping skills can you find at TAP?
Fidgets, music, art, weighted vests, swings, etc.
Feeling really happy and thankful for something that has happened to you or for something that you have received is called feeling __________.
You might feel this way if someone does not stop poking you when you ask them to.
Frustrated or Angry
Describe what the feeling CALM means to you.
Peaceful, relaxed, breathing normally, chilled, focused, calm body and mind.
What emotion might you be feeling if you feel these things in your body: hot face/body, dizziness, clenched/tight jaw, sweaty, fast heartbeat, etc.
Name 2 things you can do to regulate when angry...
Deep breathing, take space, Drink water, Listen to music, Talk with someone, art, etc.
Going up to someone sitting alone at a party and asking them to join you is called being...
Kind, Welcoming, Inclusive
You might feel this way if you lose your favorite game
How might you feel if someone tells you that they don't want to be your friend anymore?
Hurt, Upset, Angry, Confused, Sad
What emotion might someone be feeling if you see they are frowning, have their head in their hands, are quiet, etc.
When should you use a coping skill?
When you have strong feelings and need help to regulate.
You might feel this way if you have to speak in front of multiple people
Stepping away from a group of people to calm your body, your thoughts, and try to regulate your feelings is called taking ______
When you're sweating, your heart is beating fast, and your stomach hurts you may be feeling __________.
Terrified, Scared, Anxious.
TRUE or FALSE: All coping skills work the same for everyone.
FALSE: Coping skills work differently for everyone. One coping skill may work for one person but not the other.
When you saw someone take something that belongs to you and then deny it, you may feel ____________.
You might feel this way if you think something bad is going to happen.
What is the way that someone can tell what you are feeling
You tell them
What might you feel in your body if you are feeling happy?
Your body feels light, tingly, peaceful, at ease
TRUE or FALSE: Some coping skills can be negative.
TRUE: Some coping skills may make you feel better for a short period, but they are overall harmful to you and others.
When someone gets you in trouble for doing something that you did not do, you are being ________.