What is a plain?
Flat land
What is a peak?
The top of a mountain.
What is an ocean?
Body of salt water larger than a sea.
What is a map key?
This describes the symbols on a map.
What is the largest ocean?
What is an archipelago?
A large group or chain of islands.
What is a desert?
Dry land with few plants and little rainfall.
What is a lake?
Body of water with land on all sides.
What is a compass rose?
A symbol that shows directions on a map
What is the largest continent?
What is a fault?
A crack in the earth's surface along which movement occurs.
What is a canal?
A man made waterway connecting two bodies of water.
What is a cape?
A curved or hooked piece of land extending into a body of water.
What is a scale?
The ratio between distance on a map and the corresponding distance in real life
What is the Prime Meridian
The longitude line that divides the eastern and western hemispheres.
What is a swamp?
An area of low wet land with trees.
What is a reef?
A narrow ridge of coral, rock or sand near the surface of water.
What is a savanna?
Tropical grassland with few trees and little rainfall.
What is a hemisphere?
Half of the earth
What are the 5 oceans?
Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, and Southern
What is a lagoon?
Pool of shallow water surrounded by reefs or sandbars.
What is an isthmus?
A narrow piece of land connecting two larger pieces of land.
What is a tributary?
A river or stream of water that flows into another body of water.
What is the Tropic of Cancer?
The line located at 23 1/2 degrees north of the equator.
What is the southernmost continent?