This is a small portion of land given to a vassal by a lord because they did certain services for the Lord such as working the land or being a part of the military.
What is a fief?
This individual wrote 95 thesis about why the church is wrong about certain things.
Who is Martin Luther?
This person argued that people are born as a blank slate. He said that all people should be born with natural rights such as life, liberty, and property.
Who is John Locke.
This individual sold land to vassals and rented out a small portion of land to serfs by making them work on a big portion of the land.
What are lords?
what country is to the left of Spain
This man made a religion similar to Lutheran. He invented the idea of predestination saying that God chooses who will go into heaven before they are born.
Who is John Calvin
This the name for the theory where the sun was in the middle of the universe instead of the Earth.
What is the Heliocentric Theory?
This event was a series of religious wars that ended up changing the government in Western Europe by increasing the power of kings which weaken feudalism strongly.
What are the Crusades?
what body of water is in between the UK and France?
The English channel
What is Act of Supremacy
This person made many scientific discoveries in his lifetime. This person helped discover the scientific method. he wrote the book "Essays" in 1597.
This is a term for when somebody does something really bad to disobey the church and an official makes them an outlaw and tells them that they will not go to heaven.
What is excommunication.
what country is shaped like a boot(hint: think Medici)
These people argued that people should choose to get baptized as adults so that they know more about the religion before they dedicate their lives to it.
Who are Anabaptists?
This person believed in social contract theory. He said that absolute monarchs were the best form of government. He believed that all men were created equal and that people need to have constant rules and always feel like their being watched so that they will never break the rules.
Who is Thomas Hobbes?
This event is the event where the Eastern and Western churches split. The main reason for this split was an argument over how much authority the pope should have.
What is the Great Schism?
what country is in between china and russia
This person was the successor of Edward VI. She was strictly Catholic. She killed thousands of people because they weren't Catholic.
Who is Mary I
This person was best known for his book called "The Spirit of Laws". He believed in the idea of separation of powers. Basically that there should be a division of government. So, he really believed in a big government.
Who is Montesquieu?