Places in Singapore
Singapore's History
General Knowledge

A famous Singapore landmark, which features a futuristic design with three interconnected towers and a sky park.

What is Marina Bay Sands?


This animated movie from 1995, produced by Pixar, introduced us to a cowboy and a space ranger who became best friends.

What is Toy Story?


Treaty of Friendship and Alliance

What is the name of the treaty signed by Stamford Raffles and the Temenggong in 1819?


This fruit gives you so much vitamin C that even scurvy pirates might say, "Yo ho ho, and pass me another slice."

What is an orange?


This animal is known for moving at a pace that could make a snail look like an Olympic sprinter.

What is a sloth?


This island off the southern coast of Singapore is home to a popular resort, a theme park, and a large casino, and used to have a morbid name.

What is Sentosa?


In the 2010 film Inception, this actor played the role of Dom Cobb, a skilled thief who enters dreams to steal secrets.

Who is Leonardo DiCaprio?


He is Singapore's sprint king, whose sprinting record stood for 33 years - 10.38s for 100m.

Who is C Kunalan?


This orange root vegetable is known for improving vision due to its high beta-carotene content. 

What is a carrot?


This element on the periodic table has the symbol 'Fe', but no, it's not something you use to iron your clothes.

What is iron?


This large urban park in the heart of Singapore features a network of walkways among futuristic tree-like structures.

What is Gardens by the Bay?


The final film of the Harry Potter series, released in 2011, is called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. Who directed this movie?

Who is David Yates?


This bridge is named after one of Singapore's president, who was a medical doctor by training and is well known for his sheer will.

Who is Benjamin Henry Sheares?

This traditional Japanese dish is made with vinegared rice, often accompanied by seafood, vegetables, and sometimes tropical fruits.  

What is sushi?


This country’s national anthem is not only long but also difficult to sing unless you have lungs like an opera singer—it has 158 verses (though no one sings them all).

What is Greece?


This district in Singapore is known for its colorful shophouses and is a UNESCO World Heritage site, reflecting the rich cultural history of the Peranakan people.

What is the Chinatown district?


This movie, directed by Christopher Nolan and released in 2020, involves a protagonist manipulating time in a unique way to prevent World War III.

What is Tenet?


The Suez Canal.

Which sea channel opened in 1869, which increased Singapore's standing as a British trading entrepot?


This French pastry, made with layers of butter and dough, is rolled and folded multiple times to create its flaky texture.  

What is a croissant?


This 1,000-year-old tree-hugger is often called the "father of medicine" and believed that "food should be your medicine." Probably would’ve been a nutritionist today.

What is Hippocrates?


This former British colonial fort turned museum is located on an island off the coast of Singapore and was the site of the surrender of British forces during World War II.

What is Fort Siloso?


This 1999 cult classic film, directed by David Fincher, stars Brad Pitt and Edward Norton as two men who form an underground organization to channel their aggression.

What is Fight Club?


Temasek is a name used to identify Singapore before the arrival of Sang Nila Utama, but it was only known through a voyager's account.

Who is Admiral Zheng He?


This spice, once worth its weight in gold and primarily sourced from the Moluccas, is made from the dried inner bark of a tropical evergreen tree. 

What is cinnamon?


This 19th-century German philosopher is famous for declaring that "God is dead" and for having a mustache that may have inspired many modern hipsters.

Who is Friedrich Nietzsche?