By the Numbers
It Begins
Falling Forward
Historical Facts
Betcha Didn't Know
In 1948, George Orwell wrote a book with the title of this year.
What is 1984
This is another word for a graduation ceremony.
What is commencement.
Leaves lose this substance, which makes them turn beautiful fall colors.
What is chlorophyll?
Name one of the two sons of U.S. presidents who followed in their fathers’ footsteps.
Who is John Quincy Adams or George Walker Bush?
This U.S. state shares the longest border with a foreign country.
What is Alaska? Its border with Canada stretches 1,538 miles. Betcha thought Texas has the longest border with another country, but its border with Mexico stretches only 1,241.
In 1961, Joseph Heller wrote a book entitled Catch, followed by this number.
What is 22
His Gettysburg Address begins, "Four score and seven years ago."
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
This is one of the three horoscope signs associated with fall.
What is Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius?
Cleopatra married this family member.
Who is her brother?
This popular brunch dish consists of a toasted English muffin, Canadian bacon, poached eggs, and hollandaise sauce.
What is eggs Benedict? Betcha didn’t know that one of the stories describing its origin suggests a restaurant patron ordered this custom concoction for lunch.
This 1979 film stars Dudley Moore, Julie Andrews, and Bo Derek and catapulted Bo Derek to fame.
What is 10
After sorority or fraternity rush, a new member goes through this process to begin their membership.
What is initiation?
This fresh fruit from Washington State is associated with fall.
What is an apple? Washington is the top apple-producing state, but China has surpassed the United States as the top producer of apples.
This 18th- and 19th-century French military man, who also established a civil-law code followed today in the state of Louisiana, was nicknamed “The Little Corporal.”
Who is Napoleon?
This is the only state in the United States with commercial coffee production.
What is Hawaii? Kona coffee is grown in Hawaii. Betcha didn’t know a farmer in Santa Barbara is trying to revolutionize the industry by growing coffee in a non-tropical climate under avocado plants.
In the Indianapolis 500, drivers complete this number of laps.
What is 200
Every four years, a US president begins a new term by going through this ceremony before noon on January 20.
What is inauguration?
This moon occurs closest to the autumn equinox.
What is the harvest moon?
In the mid-19th century, immigrants from Ireland came to the United States to flee this famine.
What is the potato famine?
She sings the theme song in the film 9 to 5.
Who is Dolly Parton? Betcha don’t know what part of her anatomy is fake—her hair. She never leaves home without wearing one of her wigs.
When a couple celebrates it's diamond anniversary, it is celebrating this number of years of marriage.
What is 60
This course is served at the very beginning of a meal before the main part of the meal.
What is an appetizer?
Canadians and Americans celebrate this holiday in the fall but on different days.
What is Thanksgiving? Canadians celebrate it on the second Monday in October, and Americans celebrate it on the fourth Thursday in November.
Washington Post investigative reporters Bernstein and Woodward discovered and revealed this scandal.
What is Watergate?
This professional applies horseshoes to horses.
What is a farrier? Most people know that horses wear horseshoes to protect their hooves, but betcha didn’t know horseshoes increase traction and/or provide shock absorption.