
What was the main theme during the 60s that George talked about?

humanism or; all about how you feel.  


someone who has had a dream speak to them....

Otto Loewi, Daniel, Einstein, Dr. Watson,  Mary Shelly....


 something that is held back or prevented such as a feeling, or a memory.

what is repressed?


Chapter 2 discusses however every human is made in the image of the one true God, and only man has the capacity to reason. Finish the sentence man is a critter who can ________



What is the longest conversation recorded in the Bible with Jesus?

Jesus with a Samaritan woman


 How many separate federal programs did the department of health education and welfare produce?



This part of your brain that is involved in long term memory creation  is less active when you sleep. 

What is the prefrontal cortex?




  1. Perceived by a sense or the senses. 
  2. Having physical sensation.

1. What are three groups of people that are thought of differently and held in higher esteem now since the impact of Jesus and Christianity. 

Answer: women, children, people with disabilities


3. What is a value of the ancient world that Jesus upended and redefined?

Answer :

Humility… It was scorn by the ancient world now it’s a champion virtue

Heroism… Originally heroes were strong with brute, strength… Now heroes or gentle, the other cheek, but not pushovers

Value of life… Before babies, girls, disabled, or often left to die… Jesus changed all that every single person is stamped at the image of God


M.A.D. stands for 

Mutually assured destruction 


2. What are three institutions that were greatly shaped since the impact of Jesus… The church does not count 

Answer: hospitals, schools, libraries, learning, guilds , relief, efforts,



  1. Having a harmful effect; injurious. 

    "the deleterious effects of smoking."

  2. Hurtful; noxious; destructive; pernicious. 

    "a deleterious plant or quality; a deleterious example."


What is logomorphing 

 making up the meaning of a word- change the meaning


Compare the ancient worldview about children to Jesus’s worldview of children.

ancient world, ordinary, children did not have the kings image, babies could be left to die, Pluto. Art said they’re like a plant, children were disposable, cobras, equal dung.

Jesus said, bring the little children to me, he told us to be like little children, children are stand at the image of God, people, following Jesus, began to see children as daughters and sons of the king, they were now opposed to exposure, godparents and orphanage started by the fourth century exposure outlaw


Explain the ancient worlds hierarchal way of life.

Top= A god

then king, court priest, artisan merchants, peasants and slaves. 

All those below the king were made by inferior gods. They do not have the image of God stamped on them And have less importance


REM sleep what is REM and what happens in this stage...

Rapid eye movement. The pons in your brain stem causes your heart and breathing to increase and eyes to move rapidly. The pons also shuts down your spinal cord to prevent you from getting hurt.



the study of dreams.


Chapter 2 compared Jesus and King Herrod … Give three compare and contrast between these two men

Jesus no buildings, Bourne, with no Diggity, friend of sinners, the giver of life, considered nothing, the child,

Harrod, lasting buildings, Noble, birth, friend of Romans, give her of death, considered great, the great,


Explain how the abortion rights movement changed the definition of the word "FOEDERAL" . what does the word mean what was it changed to mean?

covenant or treaty- changed to blob....


 Chapter 3 discusses Jesus having dinner at a Pharisee‘s house. Discuss one of the four topics of conversation that Jesus had at that dinner and explain it.

one. Man held on the sabbath with edema. Jesus was sensitive to suffering. He was concerned about the worth of every human.

Two, the seating chart, the Pharisees have the seating chart based on worth, Jesus said nope mix it up

Three:Pharisees only invited the elite Jesus said to invite all everybody is important in God’s blue book

For the guest list for the fee should include outsiders, poor


The Threat Stimulation Theory 

Because the amygdala acts similar   in dreams reflecting how it acts in real life;  this theory is that dreams help prepare you for real life threats. 


What does Maundy mean

Answer- shortened Latin word meaning Mandate 


What were the main themes in the book, Who is This Man in chapter 3 and 4. Saying the title is acceptable.

Answer- page 33- 58 in Who Is This Man 

Title—- chapter 3 title is ( A Revolution In Humanity)

Chapter 4 title is ( What Does A Woman Want? )


a government or a military system.

what is Regime