first category
second category

1 If you eat less junk food, you ……….weight (lose)

2 Most of us ____ (attend) the lecturer yesterday, but some students _________ (not / sign up) on time. They (never/ registered) ______for educational events.

3 Многие люди переходят к продуктам растительного происхождения для того, чтобы иметь более здоровый образ жизни.

4 Важно уделить время правильному перевариванию пищи для лучшего здоровья. 

1 will lose 

2 attended, didn't sign up, have never registered

3 Many people are swithing to plant based products for a healthier lifestyle.

4 It's important to take your time to properly digest your food for better health. 


1 If you change your mind, I ………………  at your service waiting home until 9pm. (be)

2 Build a sentence

play /game/ Linda / used to/ what ?

3 Victor Frankenstein got married ________Elizabeth

She's really angry __________ her boyfriend

4 Поймите, что ваш независимый и несколько мятежный характер является ключевым элементом поддержания равновесия в мире.

1 'll be

2 What game did Linda use to play?

3 TO


4 Realize that your independent and somewhat rebellious nature is a key ingredient in keeping the world in balance.


1 If you are struggling to pay the bills, you...……. probably ..……….a decent job. (need to find)

2 Just when I (think)______ napping was a necessity, my mother (already/ schedule)____________a live-Zumba class via Zoom. So I (can/not) _______ sleep.

3 К тому же многие товары, которые могли бы эффективно в них производиться, выпускаются в промышленно развитых странах.

Я никогда не слышал, чтобы они спорили.

1 will need to find

2 thought, had already scheduled, couldn't 

3 In addition, many products that could be produced efficiently are produced in industrialized countries.

I had never heard them argue.


1 If you study English regularly, you _________ _________ to spend hours reviewing for the exam last minute.(not need)

2 Build a sentence

your/ use to / bicker/ sister/ with / little/ when/ you/ did/ were?

3  Please make sure that you're ___time for the class.

 I was walking to the station and ___chance I saw the glove that I'd lost on the ground.

 I picked up the laptop and ____my surprise it fell apart in my hands.

4 Соперничество между братьями и сёстрами часто заставляет их конкурировать друг с другом в одной и той же деятельности.

1 won't need 

2 Did you use to bicker with your sister when you were little?

3 on



4 Sibling rivalry often drives them to compete against each other in the same activities.


1 I ___________ so many cakes If I knew you were going to cancel your order.(not/ bake)

2 make strong adjectives : angry, hot, cold, small, tired, big, dirty, happy, funny, crowded, old, clean . 

3 I have a lot___ common with my cousin. 

Did you forget your purse __purpose so you wouldn't have to pay?  

It's best to arrive ___foot because there is nowhere to park.

Please let me know ___advance if you can't come to the meeting.  

Please come ___once. We have a big problem.

4  Хотя это была школа-интернат, часть здания использовалась солдатами.

Я думала, что это была договоренность, которая устроит нас в равной степени.  

1 wouldn't bake

2 furious, ,boiling(scorching), freezing, tiny, exhausted, enourmous, filthy, delighted, hilarious, packed, ancient, spotless. 

3 in





4 Although it was a boarding school, a part of the building was used by the soldiers.

I thought it was an arrangement that would suit us equally.  


1 Nick ____ (not have to commute) everyday if he worked from home like his wife.

2  Person who is logical and thinks carefully before making a decision. 

Person who gets anxious when he/she has to wait at a queue or at any  other situation.

3 поддержание нормальной температуры тела для новорожденных имеет жизненно-важное значение.  

4 Но уже через сутки после приема обоих препаратов концентрация данного компонента снижается до 4% от его максимальной концентрации.

1 wouldn't have to commute

2 Sensible


3 Keeping your newborn's body temperature normal is vital.

4 But already a day after taking both drugs the concentration of this component is reduced to 4% of its maximum concentration.


1 I'd sell your house and move to Spain if I _______ you. (be)

2 Don't laugh ___ me!

He apologized ____ the policeman, ___________driving fast

 I went to the wrong house   ___mistake.

3  The door will unlock if you  (to press) the green button.

If we meet at 9:30, we  (to have) plenty of time.

The students would have solved the problem if they  (to use) their textbooks.

4  Казнь - это акт насилия, а насилие склонно порождать другое насилие.

Пищевой продукт содержит, как минимум, один ингредиент и пищевую добавку.  

1 were

2 AT



3 press

we will have 

had used

4 Execution is an act of violence and violence tends to provoke violence.

The food product contains at least one ingredient and the food supplement.  


1 _____ you (think) about camping if you (not can afford) to stay in a hotel?

2 Я не зарабатываю столько, сколько мой босс.

3 My brother ______  __________ a new job yet. He's still looking.

Lisa would find the milk if she  (to look) in the fridge.

4 Украинская кухня довольно вкусная, со сходством с русской кухней.

5 People who always tell the truth 

1 would you think / couldn't afford 

2 I don't earn as much as my boss! 

3 hasn't found / hasn't gotten (got)


4 Ukrainian cuisine is quite tasty, with similarities to Russian cuisine.



1 CAN'T AFFORD (definition)

2 I’ll lend you the money if you promise to pay it ________________________ by next month.

3 I have the same car for two years.(rectify the error ) 

4  Это, вероятно, весит столько же как и тыква.

Брокколи, брюссельская капуста и капуста имеют что-то общее.  

5 Кроме того исследователи отметили, что зеленая фасоль спустя 16 дней уже потеряла 45 процентов своих питательных веществ.

В отличие от ваших сестёр, я не буду вам потакать.


2 back

3 I'VE HAD the same car for two years.

4 It probably weighs as much as a pumpkin.

Broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage have something in common.  

5 Likewise, the researchers noted that green beans had already lost 45 percent of its nutrients after 16 days.

Unlike your sisters, I won't indulge you.


1 INHERIT (definition)

2 When I arrived at the airport I realised I forget my passport. (rectify the error) 

3 Подобно тому, как цены могут падать, со временем они, несомненно, будет увеличиваться. 

4  Это условие создаёт новое отношение между человечеством и средой, его окружающей

5 Они приносят значительные знания и опыт для проекта, который дополняет наш опыт управления проектом.


2 When I arrived at the airport I realised I'D FORGOTTEN my passport. 

3 Just as prices may be dropping, in time they will certainly increase.  

4 This condition creates a new relationship between humanity and its environment.

5 They bring significant knowledge and expertise to the project that complements our project management expertise.


1 I’m trying not to ________ money on gadgets I will never use.

2 An unpleasant fact or dissapointment that is difficult to accept 

3 Моя машина на последнем издыхании, но я буду ездить на ней до тех пор, пока она не остановится. 

4 Знакомый запах сосновых деревьев напоминает мне о далеком летнем отпуске в горах. 

5 have  a pale appearance due to sickness, fear, or schock 

1 I’m trying not to waste money on gadgets I will never use.

2 a bitter pill to swallow

3 My car is on its last legs, but I'll drive it until it won't go any farther. 

4 The familiar scent of pine trees reminds me of a distant summer vacation in the mountains. 

5 as white as a ghost 


1 ________ is a person who repairs things such as toilets, water pipes, etc.

2 We must buy tickets for the match as soon as possible, because they will ________ out very quickly.

3 a condition that results in abnormal or excessive fat accumulation

4 Эпидемия фейковых новостей повально распространяется на платформах социальных сетей, что приводит к широкому распространению ложной информации. 

5 Рана от несчастного случая была серьезной, но к счастью, не была смертельной. 

1 a plumber

2 run

3 obesity 

4 The epidemic of fake news is rampant on social media platforms, leading to widespread misinformation. 

5 The wound from the accident was severe, but fortunately, it was not fatal.