My friend and I go to each other's sporting events to show support to one another.
I'm 16, and my boyfriend is 21. It's so cool that he takes me to all these parties with his friends.
How long does it take to get back to your normal level of thinking after getting angry?
30 minutes.
What does it mean to Slide and not Decide?
Move too quickly into a relationship without first deciding what you really want.
Sometimes I feel like I have to hold my tongue when something my partner does bother me, or my partner will take it the wrong way.
My partner gets aggresive with me when angry. It hurts me, but I know my partner has had a rough background that causes them to act this way.
What is the speaker/listener technique?
One talks and the other listens.
Why is it important to have expectations in a relationship/friendship?
So, you won't be in the fog. You need to be able to see clearly what is going on.
My partner and I spend a lot of time together. But when my partner is around their friends, we go days without hanging out. I shouldn't complain though because we have our time to hang out when they are not around.
RED (inconsistency)
I don't have to be perfect. Sure, there are things that I want to improve. But basically, I want a person who likes me for who I really am.
What is one of the rules for the speaker during the speaker/listener technique?
Speak for yourself.
Don't mind-read the other person .
Don't go on and on.
Pause to let the listener paraphrase you.
What is the 3-6-9 rule?
The amount of time it takes to see a person clearly.
Whenever I go to my friend to vent, my friend gives me constructive criticism.
How many Principles are there for a Smart Relationship?
What is one of the rules for the listener during the speaker/listener technique?
Don't disagree.
Listen and try to understand.
Ask questions.
Name one risk that can occur when you slide into a relationship.
No common interest
Values are different
Don't like their personality
Relationship is too complicated
Can't communicate
You like someone else better
Partner lies to you; cheats on you
Partner does drugs
Partner has a STI
Partner is abusive, controlling
Changes friends frequently
GREEN- Some teens may say green flag. They may say something along the lines of: they changed because they were going down a wrong path or when they were younger, they were just trying to fit in and trying out different groups.
RED- A sign that a person cannot sustain friendships.
Name two of the Principles of a Smart Relationship.
Seek a good match.
Pay attention to values.
Don't try to change a person into someone else.
Don't try to change yourself to keep someone's friendship.
Expect good communication.
Don't play games, be phony, pressure, or use someone.
Expect respect.
Have standards for how you want to be treated.
What is the higher part of the brain called?
Finish this statement.
If you slide, the result is a________
If you decide, the result is a _______