This man won 6 NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls.
Michael Jordan
He is the president of the Aaronic priesthood.
Bishop Peterson
This Himalayan mountian is sometimes known as the world's highest graveyard.
Mt Everest
This native Minnesotan's song, Purple Rain, is not a nod to the Vikings football team colors.
This president issued mission calls to, among others, Bishop Peterson and Brother Gibson.
Gordon B Hinckley
These two African American sisters revolutionized women's tennis.
Venus and Serena Williams
She is the president of the relief society.
Sister Angie Gretz
This theme park is located in Anaheim, CA
She is married to Sean Carter aka Jay Z
This president famously said "This is the right place."
Brigham Young
He was drafted last by the New England Patriots as a quarterback.
Tom Brady
He is the president of the elders quorum.
Brother Corbin Fowers
This author penned such works as Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyor.
Mark Twain
This native Minnesotan recently had a movie about his life released starring Timothee Chalamet.
Bob Dylan
This president has announced the most temples in church history.
Russell M Nelson
This Jamican sprinter, who still holds the world record for the fastest 100 meter sprint, retired in 2017.
Usian Bolt
She is the young women's president.
Sister Sarah Lawlor
John Heder stars as this title character.
Napoleon Dynamite
Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse, and Jim Morrison are just a few members of this.
The 27 club (musicians that famously died when they were 27 years old)
This president was called as a bishop as the age of 22.
Thomas S Monson
This man's number 99 was universal retired by the NHL.
Wayne Gretsky
She is the president of the primary.
Sister Melissa Gonzalez
This St Patrick's day symbol dates back to the 17th century.
Shamrock or 4 leaf clover
He was the lead singer for the band Queen.
Freddie Mercury
Three church presidents have this same first and last name.
Joseph Smith