This person was swallowed by a great fish
Who is Jonah?
This type of church includes all true believers in Christ, across time and space
What is the universal church?
This term refers to the "good news" about Jesus Christ and salvation through Him.
What is the gospel?
The form that Satan took when tempting Eve.
What is a serpent?
The two main ordinances practiced in the Church?
What are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion)?
This Old Testament prophet called down fire from heaven
Who is Elijah?
In 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, Paul compares the Church to this body part.
What is the human body?
This term refers to the sinful nature inherited from Adam by all human beings.
What is Original Sin?
The forbidden tree from which Adam and Eve ate.
What is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
What the bread and wine (or juice) represent
What is Jesus' body and blood?
The days and nights Jesus fasted in the wilderness
What is 40?
One of the 5 solas (alone)?
What is Sola Fide (Faith alone), Sola Gratia (Grace alone), Sola Christus (Christ alone), Sola scripture (Scripture alone), Sola den Gloria (Glory of God alone)
The term for Jesus taking on human flesh.
What is the incarnation?
The first consequence of sin that Adam and Eve immediately realized.
What is that they were naked?
In Acts 8, the Ethiopian eunuch was baptized immediately after doing this.
What is believing in Jesus?
The oldest person mentioned in the bible
Who is Methuselah?
One way the Bible depicts the relationship of Christ and the Church
What is a) Bride and Groom, b)Vine and branches c)Sheep and Shepherd
This term describes Jesus being taken into heaven
What is Ascension?
This was proclaimed in Genesis 3:15
What is the first gospel?
According to 1 Corinthians 11, believers should do this before taking Communion
The name of the hill where Jesus was crucified
What is Golgotha?
This is how the Bible defines the church, not the building
What are the people?
The full gospel includes these 5 main parts (partial point if answered partially)
What is Man’s fall, Incarnation, Death & Resurrection, Ascension, Second Coming
What we have fallen short of as a result of sin - according to Romans 3:23
What is the glory of God?
The Old Testament event that foreshadowed the Lord’s Supper
What is Passover?