Literary Terms
Literary Terms Cont.
Writing Process
EOC Skills
A comparison using the words like or as. 
What is a simile?
The use of words to imitate the sounds they describe. 
What is onomatopoeia? 
Give me three transition words.
Answers may vary. However, therefore, yet, for example, for starters, first, second, etc. 
Both of my cat's/cats believe the sunny window ledge is theirs/their's. 
cats, theirs 
Should you read the passages before answering the questions? 
Yes. Duh. Do not assume you know the answers. 
The dictionary definition of a word
What is denotation?
The associations called up by a word that goes beyond its dictionary meaning. 
What is connotation? 
How long should you take to prewrite? 
10-15 minutes of prewriting should be taken into consideration when writing your persuasive essay. 
Correct the sentence: In the late 1700s, as a new American nation was creating its first navy shipbuilders were busily constructing a great vessel. 

A) Insert a comma after navy

B) Change shipbuilders to shipbuilder's 

C) Change busily to bussily

D) Make no change

A) Insert a comma after navy
True or false: It has been proven by the scientific community of Harvard University that our minds are actually better adapted to taking tests on an empty stomach. Thus, we should not eat breakfast before coming to take our EOC. 
False. Please eat. I would rather hear you writing and passing your test than the constant growl of your stomach. 
A comparison without the words like or as. 
An object or action in a literary work that means more than itself, that stands for something beyond itself. 
What is a symbol? 
True or false: If you write a good intro and body paragraph, you can just skip the conclusion. 
False. Without some sort of a conclusion, the paper is going to seem unfinished. Even if you only write a single sentence of a conclusion, it is better to conclude your thoughts and wrap everything up rather than leave it open ended. 
Both Jonelle and Jonah like/likes to play basketball, but Jonah also play/plays chess. 
What do you do if you come across a word that you do not understand? 
Look it up in the dictionary. Who knows, maybe it will help you better understand the passage or a question. 
The writer's word choices, especially with regard to their correctness, clearness, or effectiveness. 
What is diction? 
The endowment of inanimate objects or abstract concepts with animate or living qualities. 
What is personification? 
How many examples should you put in your essay to prove your point?
At least one, but it would be preferred that you have two solid examples. 
Who/whom should I talk to about fixing my refrigerator? 
If you do not know the answer to a question, you should - 

A) look off of your neighbors paper

B) Ask the teacher 

C) Skip it and come back later

D) Stare at it until the answer comes to you. 

C. You will have plenty of time at the end of the testing period to come back. Do not stress too much over it. 
A brief reference to a person, place, event, or to passage in a work of literature assumed to be sufficiently well known to be recognized by the reader. 
What is an allusion? 
The turning point of the action in the plot of a play or story. The point of greatest tension in the work. 
What is the climax? 
How much of the lined paper should you write on? 
All of it. You only have 26 lines. Make them count. 
What are the two main purposes of apostrophes? 
To show possession and to show where letters are left out in a contraction. 
What should you put in the margins beside at least every other paragraph?
A short summary of what you have just read.