
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. 

What is Hebrews 11:6?

  1. The universe had a beginning.

  2. Anything that had a beginning must have been caused by something else. 

  3. Therefore, the universe was caused by something.

All things must be traced to a first cause. The Bible indicates that the First Cause is God (Genesis 1:1)

What is the cosmological argument? 


A person who believes in more than one God.

What is a polytheist?

  1. The universe has a perfect design and order.

  2. Order and design are evidence of a designer.     Creation has order and design; 

  3. Therefore it has a Designer.

This argument from design and purpose proves the existence of an intelligent Designer greater than the creation itself. The Designer, the Bible affirms, is God. 

What is the teleological argument?


 All people possess an inner sense of right and wrong.

What is conscience? 


Human beings are moral beings. They have an inner sense of right and wrong. There are certain things that almost all of us think that are universally right or just.

  • Honesty, protection of life, respect of personal property, marital fidelity on and so forth.

There are certain things that almost all of us thing that are universally wrong or unjust.

  • Murder, adultery, lying, stealing and so forth

They also possess a sense of responsibility to do what is right and avoid doing what is wrong. The moral argument reasons that the existence of a universal moral law within humans along with the sense of responsibility to do right implies the existence of a moral lawgiver above and beyond human beings (Romans 2:14-15). The Lawgiver, the Bible affirms, is God. 

What is the moral argument?


Having the ability to know right from wrong and exhibiting only righteous behavior.

What is perfect morality? 


A being who is holy, exhibits righteous behavior all the time. He is said to be what?

What is perfectly moral? 


Perfectly moral, invisible, revealed through Christ, a person and has emotions

What are the attributes of God?


through smoke, fire, and lighting on Mt. Sinai; through an audible voice to Isaiah; through the Person of Christ; through fire and an audible voice to Moses.

In what ways did God reveal himself to people?