What is the birth flower for March?
March is the first month of which season?
What is it called wen a player scores a point?
A basket
March 7th is the birthday of which famous inventor credited for inventing the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
When is St. Patrick's Day?
March 17
In which famous novel will you find the March sisters?
Little Women
This term describes the movement of birds as the weather shifts in temperature.
What is the name of the governing body in the worlds top basketball league?
On March 12, 1912 what organization was founded and is known for selling their famous cookies?
The Girl Scouts
What is day relating to the Catholic and other religions is observed on the first Wednesday in the month of March?
Ash Wednesday
Which Roman god of war is March named after?
On the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere, the sun rises directly over what part of the globe?
The equator
Is physical contact between players allowed in a game of basketball?
Yes, allowed within the rules of the game.
This baby was kidnapped from is home on March 1st 1932 in New Jersey.
The Lindbergh Baby
When is the Ides of March?
March 15th
The holiest month in Islam began February 28th and continues until March 29th this year.
On March 21st, the length of the day and night are equal. This is called what?
How many players are allowed on the court for each team?
March 14th is the birthday of which scientist of whom is credited with their Theory of Relativity?
Albert Einstein
What is observed on the first Tuesday of the month of March?
Mardis Gras
March 14th, also referred to as 3/14 is a holiday invented by mathematicians known as what?
Pi Day (3.14)
Name the four stages of a frog.
Egg, tadpole, froglet, and frog
How many seconds does a team have to shoot the ball once they cross the half-court line?
24 seconds
In March 1918, wat deadly virus first reached North America and would eventually result in 50 million deaths worldwide?
The Spanish Flu
March 8th is the International _____ Day
International Women's Day