Which character in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movies is played by Keira Knightley?
Gingivitis affects which part of your body?
What is the national animal of India?
Bengal tiger
Which British prince had a baby in 2013?
Prince William
"SHQIPERIA". What is the English name for this word?
What’s the fancy term for when your blood sugar takes a nosedive, leaving you feeling low?
Which flavor of ice cream is embedded with honeycomb or toffee?
Hokey Pokey
In this 1961 movie, Audrey Hepburn had a cat with no name. What is the name of the movie?
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Which Royal house in the UK was severely damaged by fire in 1992?
Windsor Castle
"MAGYAR". What is the English name for this word?
In the human body, what is the aorta known as?
What flavor of ice cream sounds like an unpaved street?
Rocky Road
In what city was baseball legend Babe Ruth born?
In what part of England is the 'Bullring' shopping center located?
"SUOMI". What is the English name for this word?
What's the name the flap that stops your food from going down the "wrong tube" when you swallow?
What river is considered the holiest in India?
Ganges River
What baseball team won 114 games in 1998?
New York Yankees
Which survival story includes the line 'I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring'?
Cast Away' (2000)
"SVERIGE". What is the English name for this word?
Which organ produces insulin which keeps your blood sugar levels in check.
What event during World War II ended Dutch rule in Indonesia?
Japanese invasion and occupation
Which Indonesian island is the world's most populous?
What is the circumference of a baseball?
9 inches
"Oesterreich" What is the English name for this word?