first category
second category

1 Он был отличным спортсменом, когда был моложе. 

2 an open pastry case with a filling, usually of something sweet such as fruit

3 Я очень занят работой на этой неделе, поэтому не могу встретиться на обед. 

1 He was a great athlete when he was younger. 

2 a tart

3 I'm very busy with work this week, so I can't meet for lunch. 


1 Она учительница в местной школе.

2 Ее расписание забито встречами и собраниями.  

3 Эта книга интереснее, чем та, которую я читал на прошлой неделе. 

1 She is a teacher at the local school.  

2 Her schedule is packed with meetings and appointments. 

3 This book is more interesting than the one I read last week. 


1 I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed _____ than usual.(early)

2 Срок сдачи проекта - следующая пятница. 

3 She had a stomachache. She (to eat up) a box of


4 Переделайте предложения в косвенную речь.

He said, “They will be at home at 5 o’clock.”

 He said, “She was at school.”

1 I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed earlier than usual.

2 The deadline for submitting the project is next Friday. 

3 had eaten 

4 He said that they would be at home at 5 .

He said that she had been at school. 


1 It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere ____?

2 Олимпийские игры проходят каждые 4 года .

3 She will write a thrilling story. (Jane told us . . . )

4 Such people enjoy adventure and take risks 

1 It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter?

2 The Olympic Games take place every four years. 

3 Jane told us that she would write a thrilling story . 

4 adventurous 


1 Such person tells the truth and never steals or cheats .

2 They are in bed now. They (just / to go) to bed.

3 Irregular verbs: 

to feed /to be/ to feel/ to have/ to give

4 Моя комната меньше, чем твоя. 

1 Honest 

2 Have just gone 

4 My room is smaller than yours. 


1 Such person pays careful attention to details , probably has a tidy house and neat handwriting

2 Yesterday the temperature was six degrees. Today it’s only three degrees.

It’s __________ it was yesterday.

3 Когда она готовила ужин, она случайно порезала палец.

4 влезть на лошадь/

снять пальто/ выйти из автобуса/

вынуть из кармана /вернуться домой

принять за учителя /войти в комнату

1 meticulous 

2 It’s colder today than it was yesterday.

3 While she was cooking dinner, she accidentally cut her finger. 

4 get on the horse/ take off the coat /get off the bus/ take out of the pocket/ come back home / take for the teacher/ come into the room  


1 Она сломала руку, когда упала с велосипеда прошлым летом. 

2 I (to get up) early. The sun (to shine) brightly, so I

(to go) for a walk.

3 What time (the banks / close) here?

I’ve got a car, but I (not / use) it much.

4 make sentences with words : 

тайна/ глава/ исчезать  /присоединяться / бывало

1 She broke her arm when she fell off her bike last summer. 

2 got up, was shining, went. 

3 do the banks close 

I don't use

4 mystery, chapter, disappear, join, would 


1  An interpreter____ from one language into another.

2 We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we ______ it.

3 Он появится в следующей главе романа как таинственный незнакомец. 

потрясающий, захватывающий 





1 translates 

2 sold 

3 he will appear in the next chapter of the novel as a mysterious stranger. 


at last 





1 make sentences with :  растягивать  /раньше( до этого  )/ стыдиться / кормить  /менять

2 Моя племянница в восторге от того, что получит подарок в  свой день рождения. 

3  My friend (to fall down) and (to break) his leg while he (to play) football.

4 I knew Sarah was busy, so I______ her. (disturb)

5 The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It_____ much to stay there. (cost)

1 stretch before to be ashamed to feed to change

2 My niece is excited to receive her birthday present. 

3 fell down, broke, was playing 

4 didn't disturb 

5 didn't cost 


1 не глядя отложить башня шептать проглотить

2 a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events

3 Я с нетерпением жду прочтения следующей главы своей любимой книги. 

4 Употребите глаголы в нужной форме. 

You (to see) me again next week.

 We (to see) those pictures yesterday morning.

 He (not to write) usually with his left hand.

They (to wait for) their friends last Sunday.

1 without looking to put away tower to whisper to swallow up

2 a story 

3 I can't wait to read the next chapter of my favorite book. 

4 will see


doesn't write 

waited for 


1 something that you are given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say thank you

2 Солнце восходит на востоке и заходит на западе. 

3 Образование открывает двери к различным возможностям в жизни.

4 a type of diagram (= simple plan) with lines and circles for organizing information so that it is easier to use or remember

1 a present 

2 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 

3 Education opens doors to various opportunities in life. 

4 mind map 


1 the family name of a woman before she gets married and begins to use her husband's family name 

2 Переделайте предложения в косвенную речь.

He said, “Ann has read the book twice.”

He said, “My parents have never been to London.”

3 После ужина важно убрать посуду и убрать кухню

4 Не каждый может позволить себе роскошные отпуска, поэтому они выбирают бюджетные поездки. 

1 maiden name 

2 had read 

had never been 

3 After dinner, it's important to put away the dishes and clean the kitchen. 

4 Not everyone can afford luxury vacations, so they opt for budget-friendly trips. 


1 one of the two soft parts that form the upper and lower edges of the mouth 

2 the set of keys on a computer or typewriter that you press in order to make it work 

3 Дети должны вести себя вежливо в общественных местах. 

4 Мы на пути в аэропорт, чтобы успеть на наш рейс.

1 lip 

2 keyboard

3 Children should behave politely in public places. 

4 We are on the way to the airport to catch our flight. 


1 to write something in a way that is not accurate, using a keyboard 

2 борода, веснушки, крючковатый, усы, стрижка, привлекательный, волнистый, вес.

3 Она любит готовить блюда заранее на занятую рабочую неделю. 

4 Она отправилась на юг для расслабляющего отдыха на пляже.

 1 mistype

2 beard, freckles, hooked, moustache , haircut, attractive, wavy, weight. 

3 She likes to prepare meals in advance for the busy workweek. 

4 She traveled to the south for a relaxing vacation on the beach. 


1 the opening in the face of a person or animal, consisting of the lips and the space between them, or the space behind containing the teeth and the tongue 

2 a type of thin book with large pages and a paper cover that contains articles and photographs and is published every week or month

3 Он влюбился в нее с первого взгляда. 

4 Расставание было тяжелым и разбило ему сердце. 

5 Их отношения немного странные, но они делают друг друга счастливыми.

1 a mouth 

2 a magazine 

3 He fell in love with her at first sight. 

4 The breakup was tough and broke his heart. 

5 Their relationship is a bit weird but they make each other happy. 


1 My friend was very happy. He (to get) a “five” for

the last dictation.

2 Matt phoned while we _______(have dinner)

3 a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain 

4 Она наслаждается холостяцкой жизнью и сосредоточена на карьере. 

5 Недавно они обручились и планируют свою свадьбу.

1 had got 

2 Matt phoned while we were having dinner

3 coward 

4 She enjoys being single and focusing on her career. 

5 They recently got engaged and are planning their wedding.