Flocks of these animals migrate north when the weather warms
What are birds?
Different species of birds migrate at different times and can fly enormous distances. For example, the yellow warbler travels back and forth between Alaska and Central America each year
This is a term for two straight lines that will never cross.
What is parallel?
Parallel lines are everywhere. Think about a lined notebook or a crosswalk. Lines that cross at 90 degrees are called perpendicular lines.
When people first fall in love, they feel like they are on this cloud.
What is cloud nine?
Cloud nine denotes a feeling of euphoria.
She was Walt Disney’s favorite princess.
Who is Cinderella?
Cinderella was first released in 1950; she was the second Disney princess after Snow White.
March Madness refers to this sport.
What is (NCAA) college basketball?
The tournament features single-elimination games between 68 college teams, leading up to the championship. By the time the games get down to the final four, the tournament usually has lived up to its name.
You might run across this animal at night in its natural habitat, a dam it builds across a creek.
What is a beaver?
The nocturnal animal is North America’s largest rodent and the second largest globally. Fully grown, beavers can grow up to 48 inches (122 cm) long. Their razor-sharp teeth never quit growing, but they keep them in check by felling trees for their dams.
Another term for meridians is lines of this.
What are (lines of) longitude?
Meridians are imaginary lines that run north and south around the globe. They measure the distance from the prime meridian in Greenwich, London, England
This is where Batman fought crime.
What is Gotham City?
Batman started fighting crime in Gotham City in the fourth episode of the Batman comic book, released in 1941. Before then, he was based in New York City.
He painted the Mona Lisa.
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
Before it hung in the Louvre, the Mona Lisa hung in Napoleon’s bedroom. Mona Lisa is not her name; it’s Italian for “my lady Lisa.”
March 1 begins this meteorological season.
What is spring?
Meteorological seasons are based on temperature rather than the position of the sun. The vernal equinox is when we celebrate the beginning of astronomical spring, which occurs on or around March 20.
When you visit Great Smoky Mountains National Park, you will be warned not to feed these large carnivores
What are bears?
Black bears roam the park. Visitors can be charged a fine if they willfully come within 150 feet of a bear. People are most likely come across a black bear in the evening or night during the warmer months.
These imaginary lines run east and west from top to bottom across the globe.
What are (lines of) latitude?
Latitude measures distance from the equator. You can pinpoint any location on Earth by determining its latitude and longitude coordinates
This is the fictional palace of King Arthur.
What is Camelot?
The term was applied to the Kennedy presidency by Jackie Kennedy in a Life magazine interview after John’s assassination.
If you visit this U.S. state, you are likely to encounter a pupu platter.
What is Hawaii?
It’s an appetizer platter that usually includes bacon-wrapped pineapple, tempura, spareribs, fruits, and vegetables.
The first day of Lent is also known as this.
What is Ash Wednesday?
Lent lasts for 40 days leading up to Easter and represents the 40 days Jesus fasted and prayed in the desert before beginning his public ministry.
These nocturnal birds are known for their sharp vision, silent flight and distinctive calls.
What are owls?
Rather than chirping, owls hoot. In addition to sharp 3D vision provided by their large eyes, owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees.
This is another name for an oblique line.
What is slanting or diagonal?
Oblique lines are straight but not horizontal or vertical.
This fictional perfect place is located high in the Tibetan mountains and is one of the settings in James Hilton’s Lost Horizons.
What is Shangri-La?
It’s a fictional utopia where people live for hundreds of years.
This country on the Iberian Peninsula allows some workers to take a nap during the workday.
What is Spain?
The nap is known as a siesta. You’ll find siesta is still observed mostly in shops, especially during the summer from 2–4 p.m.
This public holiday is celebrated on March 17 in the United States, particularly so in Boston and New York City.
What is St. Patrick’s Day?
St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. He was not Irish; he was born in Britain.
One in two million lobsters is this color.
What is blue?
In fact, they’re bright blue. But that’s not the rarest lobster. The orange lobster is a one-in-30-million find.
Some say these theoretical straight lines connect sacred places, such as Stonehenge and the Giza Pyramids.
What are ley lines?
Some believe that their energy produces strong magnetic fields
This mythological Norse location is the palace home of fallen warriors.
What is Valhalla?
Legend tells that the warriors will live at Valhalla until Ragnarök, or Doomsday, when they will fight once more alongside the Norse god Odin.
This bird’s eggs are bigger than its brain.
What is ostrich?
You’ve heard the expression bird brain. The ostrich’s brain is no match for its eggs, which are the largest of all bird species. Dinosaurs laid the only eggs larger than those of the ostrich.
In the northern hemisphere, March is the best spring month to view these magnificent light displays in the sky.
What are the northern lights (or aurora borealis)?
They appear as wide bands of blue, green, red, and purple lights across the sky.