How many teams participate in March Madness?
What is 68?
This amendment gave women the right to vote.
What was the 19th Amendment?
This quote was spoken during the inauguration of which former U.S. president? "Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself..."
Who was President Franklin D. Roosevelt?
Despite only having a 10 year career, this artist produced over 800 oil paintings and 700 drawings, but sold only one during his lifetime.
Who was Vincent Van Gogh?
This fragrant yellow flower is the flower of March.
What is a daffodil?
Who won the 2023 championship?
What is UCONN?
Ruling for almost 20 years, she was the first female Pharaoh of Egypt.
Who was Hatshepsut?
This baby was kidnapped from his home on March 1st 1932 in Hopewell, New Jersey.
Who was the Lindbergh baby?
This American playwright was born in Mississippi and was famous for, The Glass Menagerie, Night of the Iguana, A Streetcar Named Desire, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof .
Who was Tennessee Williams?
This other March birthstone is a dark green gemstone with red or orange spots so don't worry, it's not as morbid as it sounds.
What is Bloodstone?
What No. 16 seed beat the No. 1 in the 2023 tournament?
What is FDU?
March 25, 1911 - A work building fire broke out, killing over a hundred people consisting mostly of young women, and it occurred in THIS city.
What is New York City?
March 1st, 1961, President John F. Kennedy created this organization which sends American Volunteers to developing countries.
What is the Peace Corps?
This man was born in Eissenach, Germany. His output included thousands of compositions, many used in churches. Among his best known works; The Brandenburg Concertos for orchestra, The Well-Tempered Clavier for keyboard, the St. John and St. Matthew passions, and the Mass in B Minor.
Who was Johann Sebastian Bach?
The name for this March birthstone comes from the Latin words for 'water', and 'of the sea'.
What is Aquamarine?
Which team has won the most NCAA championships?
What is UCLA?
In 1869 she became first female lawyer in the United States.
Who is Arabella Mansfield?
His very first sentence spoken on the newly invented telephone on March 10, 1876, was to his assistant, "Mister -----, come here, I want you."
This man was born in Rohrau, Austria. Considered the father of the symphony and the string quartet, his works include 107 symphonies, 50 divertimenti, 84 string quartets, 58 piano sonatas, and 13 masses. Based in Vienna, Mozart was his friend and Beethoven was a pupil.
Who was Franz Joseph Haydn?
This was a dark or bright day in ancient Rome, depending on how you look at it.
What are the Ides of March, or March 15th?
What is the name of the player who hit the game winning shot in the 2016 championship game?
Who is Chris Jenkins?
This woman was born in New York City. She served in the House of Representatives from 1943 to 1947 and then became the first woman appointed as U.S. ambassador to a major country (Italy).
Who was Claire Boothe Luce?
March 5, 1770 - This major tragic event turned more Americans against the British during the Revolutionary War.
What was the Boston Massacre?
This man was born in Gzhatsk, Russia. On April 12, 1961, he became the first human in space, orbiting in a capsule 187 miles above the Earth's surface in a flight lasting 108 minutes.
Who was Yuri Gagarin?
In the southern Hemisphere March occurs during this season.
What is Autumn?