He is a famous spy known as 007
Who is James Bond?
These two sports are the most popular in the world
What is Football or Soccer?
A gift from France to the USA in 1886
What is the Statue of Liberty
The name of the musical crab in "The Little Mermaid"
What is Sebastian?
This is the only fruit that bears it's seeds on the outside
What is a strawberry
Songs by this Swedish quartet include "Waterloo" & "Dancing Queen"
Who is ABBA
The NBA draft was first televised in 1980; this event, in 1985 as David Stern picked envelopes during Celtics-76ers halftime
what is the draft lottery
In this year, the Berlin Wall fell
What is 1989
In "Home Alone", Kevin pays the pizza delivery guy & then plays audio of an old gangster delivering this memorable line.
This brand of little breath mints was launched in 1969.
What is Tic Tacs?
11 Actors have played Batman onscreen. Can you name three?
Who is...Robert Pattinson, Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton, Adam West, Robert Lowery, Lewis G. Wilson, Iain Glen, and David Mazouz
"Born a Donkey" & "Return of the King" were the titles of the Super Bowl ads featuring these horses
This purchase doubled the size of the United States in 1803
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
This Bill Murray "Ghostbusters" character has PhDs in parapsychology and psychology
What is Venkman, Peter
6/6 is the metric equivalent of this fraction for normal visual acuity.
What is 20/20
The "Original Nine" of these to hit the store shelves included Patti the Platypus and Squealer the Pig...
What is Beanie Babies
This team won the most championships in NBA history
What is the Boston Celtics?
The only two signers of the Declaration of Independence went on to serve as presidents...
Who are Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
The name of the chainsaw-wielding killer in the movie, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
What is Leatherface?
Extremely cold & difficult to store, this gas is prone to shortages, like one in 2019 that made life tough for Party City stores.
What is Helium?
These two "monarchs" of popular culture both passed away on August 16, one in 2018, the other 41 years later
Who is Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin
This player played baseball in between his hall of fame basketball career?
What is Michael Jordan?
The name of the World's first man-made satellite launched by the USSR in 1957?
What is Sputnik?
In this movie, the characters sing about the Lollipop guild?
What is the Wizards of Oz?
The Hawaiian Name of this fish means "strong strong"