On what day is St. Patrick's Day?
What is March 17th?
This date is the first day of spring... this year.
What is March 20th?
Name the sport played during March Madness.
What is basketball?
In which decade did women earn the right to vote in the United States?
When is the 1920s?
These dates in this month are known as National Marching Band Day and Pi Day, respectively.
What are March 4th and March 14th?
People traditionally wear green on St. Patrick's Day to avoid what?
What is getting pinched?
What are September, October, and November?
A free throw is worth how many points?
What is 1 point?
She was the renowned leader of the Underground Railroad-leading many formerly enslaved people to freedom.
Who is Harriet Tubman?
What Roman mythology god is March named after?
Who is Mars?
What is the traditional food that people enjoy on St. Patrick's Day?
What is Corned Beef and Cabbage?
This flower is considered the "flower of March" and represents new beginnings, happiness, and joy.
What is the Daffodil?
What was the 1996 American live-action/animated sports comedy movie that starred basketball player Michael Jordan and animation Character Bugs Bunny?
What is Space Jam?
Which artist is known as the Queen of Soul music?
Who is Aretha Franklin?
The first phone call was made on March 10, 1876. Who made the first phone call?
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
What U.S. city dyes its river green every year to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
What is Chicago?
In which country do Cherry Blossoms signify the beginning of Spring?
What is Japan?
What is the number of basketball players on a court for 1 team?
What is 5 Players?
This "Notorious" U.S. Supreme Court Justice and Women's rights activist was born in March of 1933.
Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg or R.B.G.?
March is Brain Injury awareness month. The brains ability to adapt and change is known as what?
What is neuroplasticity?
This city held the first recorded St. Patrick's Day Parade in 1762.
What is New York City?
What are the birthstones that signify the spring months of March, April, and May?
What year did the first March Madness tournament take place?
What is 1939?
What disability and women’s rights activist was known for being the first deaf-blind person to write a book and earn a bachelor’s degree?
Who is Hellen Keller?
According to the oldest Roman calendars, one year was 10 months long. In this calendar, what number month was March?
What is the first month?
In what year did St. Patrick's Day become officially observed in Ireland?
What is 1903?
When was Daylight Savings Time (DST) originally used, and why?
What is: DST was first used during World War I to save fuel and energy? (Longer daylight hours = less use of artificial light)
Fun fact! It was originally proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 in France.
What is the number of teams that qualify for the March Madness tournament?
What is 68 Teams?
This British scientist and primatologist is widely considered to be the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees.
Who is Jane Goodall?
March is known as the "national month" for many things - name 3 of the things that March is the designated month for.
Women's History Month, Brain Injury Awareness , Developmental Disability Awareness, Red Cross Month, Irish-American Heritage, Endometriosis Awareness, Multiple Sclerosis, Kidney Month, Nutrition Month, Social Work Month, etc.