La Bamba
The Gold Cadillac
He Lion, Bruh Bear, and Bruh Rabbit
The Fox and the Crow
The Vocab

Our story is written as this type.

What is a short story


The story takes place in a time where black people were not allowed to be in the same places as white people.

What is segregation


With a loud roar, He Lion scares and disturbs animals during this time of the day.

What is morning


Our story is written as this type so that it can be performed by actors on stage.

What is a drama


To cause someone to feel admiration.

What is impress


For the applause and attention, Manuel finds himself volunteering for this event at school.

What is the talent show


The family in the story owns a new gold Cadillac, but one member expresses how much they don't like it by not riding in it.

Who is mother


This in turn causes the animals to speak to these two animals.

Who are Bruh Bear and Bruh Rabbit


A Hungry fox saw a crow protecting this food with his mouth.

What is cheese


A lack of knowledge.

What is ignorance


During rehearsal, this device was not the best, but Mr. Roybal said that a better one will be available the next day.

What is a record player


The story gets a little uneasy as Lois' father plans a trip to this racism-plagued state.

What is Mississippi


He Lion laughed when Bruh Rabbit told him that the king of the forest is not him, but this.

Who is Man


The Fox endlessly compliments the crow to get the cheese. This has another word and is also one of the subjects of the story.

What is flattery.


The telling of something by the use of gestures, typically without words.

What is pantomime


Manuel almost broke his record when he dropped it.  This is because of Benny's loud and high note on this instrument.

What is the trumpet


Several miles after reaching the state borderline, Lois' family is stopped and bothered by this group.

Who are the police


Roaring at the real king, He Lion is startled by this object.

What is a gun


The crow listens to the fox and at first has a feeling that the is guilty of something, or this word 

What is suspicion/suspicious?


Behaving as if you are more important than you really are, or not showing someone enough respect.

What is uppity


Instead, the record was in this condition, which caused it to skip during Manuel's performance.

What is scratched


After a small internal struggle with himself, father sells the car to save money for this original goal.

What is a house


The forest was peaceful again as the humbled lion had to add man to his one original phrase.

What is "Me and myself"


The fox is softening up the crow, but continues with asking to do this.

What is sing


The home of a wild animal.

What is a lair