The Big Dance
Not Accepted
Girl Power ✌🏽
Spring Forward
March To The Beat
This person coined the phrase "March Madness"

Who is CBS broadcaster Brent Musberger?


This challenge left Jason Derulo with a chipped tooth

What is the Corn Cob Challenge?


This popular craft was originally dominated by women for generations.

What is beer-making?


This region of The Netherlands boasts the world’s largest permanent display of

What is Holland?


He was a civil rights leader who helped organize the March on Washington in 1963,
and became a US Congressman from Georgia in 1987.

Who is John Lewis?


Despite the record for most apperances, this team has never won the NCAA Basketball Championship

Who is Notre Dame?

This challenge had teen drivers swerving all over the road like maniacs in time with the stunt’s namesake dance anthem

What is the Cha Cha Slide Challenge?


This icon was the first living person who was not a designer to have her clothing and accessories exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum.

Who is Iris Apfel?


In addition to hands covered in dirt, successful gardeners are said to have this.

What is a green thumb?


A high school marching band from this state claims to be the world’s largest, with
850 members.

What is Texas?


Trailing by 25 points, this team owns the largest comeback in NCAA Tournament history

Who is BYU?


This challenge has users attempting a makeshift flamethrower

What is the Aerosol Challenge?


This icon is the only woman to simultaneously have the number-one film and album in the US at the same time.

Who is Jennifer Lopez?


This time it’s March 19th - the day when the sun crosses the earth’s equator and
appears to rise “due east.”

What is the vernal equinox?


This parade tradition has been called, “the quintessential New Orleans art form –
a jazz funeral without a body.”

What is the Second Line?


This team is the lowest seed to win "The Big Dance"

Who is Villanova? (8th Seed, 1985)


This explosive challenge encourages a pairing of metal and electric outlets

What is the Penny Challenge?


This icon was the youngest person to hold a news anchor position at just 19.

Who is Oprah?


The home of the McRib and the Shamrock Shake changed their name to this for an
anime-inspired partnership.

What is WcDonalds?


This is the only Disneyland location in the world to still perform a nighttime parade.

What is Tokyo Disneyland?


This player scored a record 44 points in an NCAA championship game, making 21 of 22 shots from the field

Who is Bill Walton? (UCLA, 1973 vs. Memphis State)


This challenge has people basting chicken with medicine as a nighttime aid

What is Sleepy Chicken?


This trailblazing First Lady was known for holding women-only press conferences during a time when women were largely excluded from the media.

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?


During the Middle Ages, this sea creature was could be used to pay your rent, or as
a meat substitute during Lent.

What are eels?


When a composer of march music needed a lighter version of the tuba, he decided
to name it this, after himself.

What is the Sousaphone?