Jalen Rose came from city?
Detroit, MI
The first Television ad was credited to what company?
Who is Bulova?
What 7'0" came from Nigeria?
Who is Hakeem Olajuwan
The term "March Madness" was coined when?
During the Illinois HS basketball tournament in the 1930's
Rap Band Wu Tang Clan is from what NY Bourough?
What is Staten Island?
Michigan won the 1989 National Championship? True or False
The small print in ad often suggesting the selling message?
What is Copy?
What name did PG Rob Williams have on his back of his jersey?
The first National Champion? Hint from 1939
Oregon Ducks
How much does it cost to make a penny?
About 4 cents
Who was the UM booster who allegedly gave Chris Webber $280/k?
Who is Ed Martin
A print ad typically follows what letter in the alphabet
What famous college team did Houston defeat in the Astrodome in 1968?
Who is UCLA
Who won the 2020 NCAA tournament?
no one--Covid
Where was Super Bowl LIX played?
New Orleans
What College team did UM start all freshman against?
Notre Dame
What famous movie director did the famous Apple ad during the 1984 Superbowl?
Who is Ridley Scott?
Who was the coach of University Houston
Coach Guy Lewis
How many championships does UCLA have?
What major union went on strike for the first time in 50 years?
International Longshoremans Association
Who was Michigan's opponent in the 1993 FINAL Four Matchup?
The Term ______ Media refers to magazines, tv, radio etc?
Who is the player that UH co-captains are trying to find?
Benny Anders
What famous game in the late 1970s pitted two future NBA legends and was dubbed by Seth Davis as..."WHEN MARCH WENT MAD"?
The Indiana State (BIRD) vs. Michigan State (Magic) 1979 National Championship.