The Outsiders
Claudette Colvin
The Giver
Double Mystery
Name all the members of the Greasers.
Ponyboy, Johnny, Darry, Soda, Two Bit, Steve, Dally

In which city did Claudette refuse to give up her seat thereby igniting a bus boycott? (city & state)

Montgomery, Alabama
What was the name of the place where Jonas lived? What was the name of the place where Jonas and Gabriel ended up at the conclusion of the novel?
The Community


What did Brock name the puppy he found outside the dome in "The Last Dog"?
In which book did a character say: "It's my constitutional right!"? Name the character too.
Claudette Colvin
What US city does the book take place?
Tulsa, Oklahoma

How old was Claudette when she refused to give up her seat? How old was she when she testified in the bus boycott court case?

15 & 16
What job did Asher receive in the book? What job did Asher receive in the movie?
Assistant Director of Recreation


Which Outsiders character said this:

"Don't y'all know a rumble ain't a rumble without me?"

Why did S.E. Hinton use her initials on the book's cover instead of her real name, Susan Eloise?
She didn't want to be judged for being a female author
Where is Ponyboy when he first meets Cherry? What other members of the Greasers is he with?
drive in movie theater, he is with Johnny, Dally and Two Bit

What was the name of the court case in which Claudette and 4 other women testified about their treatment on the buses, which resulted in bus segregation's end? Who was their lawyer?

Browder v. Gayle

Fred Gray

Which of the painful memories makes Jonas not want to return to the Annex room and quit his job as Receiver?
The memory of war
Which character from the Giver said this:

"It's the choosing that's important, isn't it?"

The Giver
Name the authors of each of the following titles:

The Outsiders

Claudette Colvin Twice Toward Justice

The Giver

SE Hinton, Philip Hoose, Lois Lowry
Explain why Ponyboy and Johnny are on the run from the police. What book does Ponyboy read to Johnny while they are on the run?
Johnny killed Bob to save Ponyboy, he read "Gone With the Wind"

Explain 2 reasons why Claudette felt she had to leave the city and moved away after her bus seat protest and subsequent arrest.

Backlash from the AA community, also she was pregnant and unwed
Name at least 5 happy memories that the Giver gave Jonas which were described in the book.
Sledding, rainbow/colors, family/holiday, a birthday party, sailing
List 3 character traits that are the same for Claudette Colvin and Jonas.
Curious, Rebellious, Brave, Intelligent, Courageous

Which Outsiders character said this:

“Can you see the sunset real good on the West side? You can see it on the East side too.” 

At the end of the novel, Johnny tells Ponyboy to "stay gold". Which poem does this line come from (title and author)? What does this line mean?
"Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost, it means that innocence or beauty doesn't last so we need to appreciate what we have while we have it

Claudette Colvin refused to give up her bus seat on which date? Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat on which date?

March 2, 1955

December 1, 1955

Name 5 of the ceremonies, what special thing happens and what age they happen
1- naming and family selection

3- hair ribbons, start to dream tell

8- volunteering

9- bicycles

10- haircuts

11- new clothes

12- assignments

Name a theme that is the same for both The Outsiders and The Giver.
Stand up for what you believe in; people shouldn't be treated badly just because they aren't the same.
Name a theme that is the same for both Claudette Colvin Twice Toward Justice and The Giver.
Diversity or what makes us unique is a beautiful thing worth fighting for.