This term is used to call the band to attention.
What is "band atten-hut?"
This equipment is used by the Color Guard in parades.
What is Tall Flags?
This is the fastest of the four movements.
What is the 4th movement?
This pep tune is permanently in the line up.
What is Land?
Do the baby shark dance.
Do the baby shark dance.
This number of whistles is performed by the Drum Major to indicate the beginning of forward march.
What is 6?
This section of musicians includes the "battery."
What is percussion?
This movement is also known as the ballad.
What is movement 3 / 3rd movement?
Name the pep tune that is played. (You will hear about 3 seconds of the piece)
“What is ___?”
Name all the student leaders and their positions.
Blest, Haley, Aiken, Katrina, Taro, Karina, Rachael, Anthony, Aiken, Caileigh, Lillian
This command is issued to trigger a salute, most commonly to leadership after awards are presented at field competitions.
What is "band present arms?"
This term refers to the small woodwind instrument often doubling the flute, adding brightness to the band's sound.
What is a Piccolo?
This is the number of silk designs used by Color Guard throughout the entirety of the show.
What is 4?
This is the newest cadence.
What is .pdf?
Name each Tri-City pep tune and the school that submitted it.
(order does not matter)
You Belong With Me - Mark Keppel,
Soul Bossa Nova - San Gabriel High School,
Tank! - Alhambra High School
This statement is used in response to an incorrectly issued command.
EX. Calling “horns up” when the band is in parade rest.
What is "as you were, sir?"
This is where your hand should be, in relation to your head, to toss a single.
What is next to your face?
Describe the images on each of the four field show props. Order does not matter. (Answers do not have to be exact)
What is 1) the gate / entrance with 2 silhouettes of branches with a gray background, 2) 2 silhouettes of branches with a midnight blue background, 3) the grave, and 4) silhouette of branches looking out to a moon with a midnight blue background?
This pep tune was given to us this school year and is a popular kids song that went viral in 2016.
What is Baby Shark?
Do the chicken dance. (If you don’t know, guess)
Do the chicken dance. (If you don’t know, guess)
This command is issued, typically during a drill-down, to indicate participants to stop sounding off.
What is "silent drill?"
This instrument requires the musician to adjust to different positions to produce a pitch.
For half points, ask for a hint
What is the Trombone?
Hint (provided if 2 or more sections fail to answer): slide positions
Name the roles of each of the following sections in the story of the field show.
Battery Percussion
Front Ensemble (Pre- and Post- PT4)
Color Guard
What is:
Winds: protagonists
Battery: antagonists
Front Ensemble: defenders (pre-) traitors/antagonists (post-)
Color Guard: defenders
Answers may vary in format/description
Name all the pep tunes that have visuals/choreo.
“What is..
Band: Land, Belong, Fancy, Starships, Good?
Color Guard: Land, Belong?
(Answers will vary between band and guard members)
Give us your best runway walk.
Give us your best runway walk.