The Ides of March became an "infamous day" when this person was assassinated on March 15, 44 BC.
Julius Caesar
This famous magician, born March 24, 1874, was well known for his escape artist tricks.
Harry Houdini
This fifth-century AD Christian missionary is thought to have died on March 17, a day that became a holiday celebrating him and the country where he was once enslaved by pirates.
St. Patrick
How many days are in the month of March
This term refers to a group of musicians that typically perform on an open field to create unique formations and patterns. This band also performs in parades.
MARCHing band.
With his play Julius Caesar, this playwright made "Beware the Ides of March" and "Et Tu, Brute?" familiar English-language expressions.
William Shakespeare
This "Rocket Man" and the "Queen of Soul" share the same birthday: March 25.
Elton John and Aretha Franklin
This physicist would have won a Breakthrough Prize, had it existed at the time, for this "relatively" groundbreaking theory, which he published on March 20, 1915.
Albert Einstein
This fragrant yellow flower is the flower of March and is associated with Cancer Awareness.
This idiom means to do things without care for what others think. "To march to the beat...?"
...of your own drum
Though he divorced his wife on suspicion of infidelity, Caesar had an affair and a son with this queen, and his general and friend Mark Antony also had an affair with her--and three children!
This person, born March 3, 1847, is famous for inventing the telephone.
Alexander Graham Bell
On March 30, 1981, there was an assassination attempt on this person who served as the 40th president.
Ronald Reagan
The name for this March birthstone comes from the Latin words for 'water', and 'of the sea'
To start early. "To _____ a March."
The assassination of Julius Caesar led to a period of civil wars and the eventual ascendancy of this man, his adopted son, who in 27 BC became the first Roman emperor.
(Julius) Augustus
For a time the richest man in America, this Arkansas businessman Sam Walton was born on March 29, 1918. He created this popular department store.
Jill Biden, Sally Ride, Condoleeza Rice, Melinda Gates, Michelle Obama, and Hillary Clinton, all share a connection to this organization, founded in Savannah, GA, on March 12, 1912 that sells famous cookies every year.
Girl Scouts
In the southern Hemisphere March occurs during this season.
This idiom refers to the month of March's wintry beginnings and springful endings. "March comes in..... and goes out...."
like a a lamb
"My wife was making fun of me, saying she thought there were three people on our Rome honeymoon: me, her, and Augustus. All the photos were of different sculptures of Augustus!" this Facebook tech mogul revealed in a 2018 New Yorker profile.
Mark Zuckerberg
This children's book author, born on March 2, 1904, is responsible for Thing 1 and Thing 2 and The Cat in the Hat.
Dr. Suess
On March 5, 1770, a deadly riot, known as this, broke out in Boston between American colonists and British soldiers.
Boston Massacre
A day in the ancient Roman calendar that meant misfortune and doom.
The Ides of March or March 15
Refers to enemy forces moving or making progress